MM#009 Default HESSI Target

Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
NOAA 1778 developed a negative polarity sunspot
just north and slightly east of the original positive
polarity leader.  The region has decayed somewhat
in its trailing area.  1778 remains classified as an E-type/beta
region. 1778 was the source of a C1.6 event at 06/28/17:05 UT. 
The brightest region on the visible disk is recently emerged
NOAA 1781 located at N22W12.  It is currently classified
as a D-type/beta region.  The target will continue to be NOAA
1778.  A C-class event is possible from 1778 and/or 1781 in
the next 24 hours.

The position of NOAA 1778 on June 29 at 13:00 UT is:
S17W07 (Solar X = 110", Solar Y = -319")

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Bill Marquette (Helio Research)