Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

Solar activity continues at intermediate levels with NOAA 11865 producing sustained C-level activity, as well as two M1 flares, since the last message. A new region on the northeast limb has also been the source of two occulted C-class flares. NOAA 11865 has decayed significantly in terms of sunspot area but retains its beta-gamma-delta configuration and shall remain the target region for a further 24 hours. Isolated C-level events possible. Cloud coverage has lifted at the DST and so we are reinstating the DST Flare Campaign at this time.

The position of NOAA 11865 on 16-Oct-2013 at 19:35 UT is:

S21W32, ( 477", -420" )

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Ryan Milligan (NASA/GSFC)