Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

Solar activity is at a high level. Another X-class event has been produced by the new region rotating onto the limb at N11E89. This X2.9 flare has occurred on 13-May-2013 at 16:05:00 and is still in its decay phase. The region was also responsible for an M1.3 flare on 13-May-2013 at 12:03, and other C-class activity since the previous message. The Major Flare Watch will continue for at least the following 24 hours.

The position of the new region on 13-May-2013 at 16:50 UT is:

N11E87, ( -931", 182" )

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Paul A. Higgins (Trinity College Dublin / LMSAL)