Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

Solar activity continues at intermediate levels due to a resurgence from NOAA 11861 which is now  classified as a beta-gamma region. The region has produced several C-class flares as well as an M1.2 flare at 15:09 UT today. NOAA 11865, on the other hand, has continued to decay and remained quiescent. NOAA 11861 will be the target region for the next 24 hours and we recommend that the DST Flare Campaign remain in effect as the region approaches the western limb. Chance for additional intermediate level activity due to renewed flux emergence in the trailing portion of the region.

The position of NOAA 11861 on 17-Oct-2013 at 19:35 UT is:

S10W69, ( 886", -200" )

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Ryan Milligan (NASA/GSFC)