MM#003 Major Flare Watch

Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
After decaying early in the period yesterday, target region
NOAA 1515 has increased sunspot area and count as well
as magnetic complexity. 1515 is now a large active region 
with an F-type/beta-gamma-delta sunspot group.  There
is an area within the central portion that has developed
negative polarity spots and plage surrounded by positive
polarity spots and plage. 1515 was the source of numerous
C-class events and four M-class events since the last message. 
The largest event was an M5.3 at 07/04/09:54 UT. 
At this time we are implementing Max Millennium
observing plan #003 (Region Likely To Produce A Major Flare).
M-class events = or >M5 are likely in the next 24 hour period.
There is also a chance of an X-class event in the next 24 to
48 hours.

The position of NOAA 1515 on July 04 at 15:00 UT is:
S16W19 (Solar X = 296", Solar Y = -310")

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Bill Marquette (Helio Research)