Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

Solar activity is still low, although a new active region - NOAA 11608 - has produced a flurry of mid B and low C class events over the past 24 hours. The regions has just rotated onto the south east limb. It is still too close to the limb to be able to tell its magnetic complexity, although it appears to have at least one sunspot. STEREO B observations show the regions has been growing over the past week. This trend will hopefully continue in the coming days and the region will be our target of opportunity for today. Further B and C class activity probable. 

The position of NOAA 11608 on 6-Nov-2012 14:00 UT is:

S20E54 ( -737", -366" )

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Claire Raftery (SSL, UC Berkeley)