MM#009 Default HESSI Target

Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
The  x-ray background flux is at the B4 level.
NOAA regions 1610,1613,1614, and 1615 all produced C-class
events since the last message. The target region (NOAA 1613)
added a few tiny spots. 1613 has a C-type sunspot group with
a beta-gamma magnetic configuration. A region in advanced
decay phase located at N09E63 has a reversed polarity
A-type/alpha sunspot group with mixed non-spot polarities.  
Target region 1613 and all of the other above mentioned regions
are capable of producing a C-class event in the next 24 hour period. 

The position of NOAA 1613 on November 17 at 14:00 UT is:
S23W13 (Solar X = 201", Solar Y = -418")

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Bill Marquette (Helio Research)