Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

Yesterday's target region NOAA 11515 has grown in spot area and number
of spots, but has been relatively flare quiet despite being classified
as a beta-gamma/E-type sunspot group. The new target for today will be
NOAA 11513, also a beta-gamma magnetic classification. This region has
continued to produce C-class activity since the two low M-class flares
on 28-Jun-2012 and 29-Jun-2012, including an M1.0 flare (30-Jun-2012 at
12:48 UT) and an M1.6 flare (30-Jun-2012 at 18:26 UT). Further C-class
activity is expected in the following 24 hours, with a good chance for
another low M-class event.

The position of NOAA 11513 on 1-Jul-2012 at 11:00 UT is:

N17E11, ( -172", 231" )

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Shaun Bloomfield (Trinity College Dublin)