Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

Solar activity is low today, with the majority of flares, mostly mid-sized B class flares, being produced by NOAA 11416 in the southern hemisphere. In addition, a highly occulted C1 event occurred on the west limb (NOAA 11415), along with a small B flare originating from the region rotating onto the north-eastern limb. Given that NOAA 11416 is still in its growth phase, and the umbral and penumbral regions are continuing to develop, this region will remain today's target. 

The position of NOAA 11416 on 10-Feb-2012 14:00 UT is:

S16 E16, (-258", -163")

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Claire Raftery (SSL, UC Berkeley)