MM#003 Major Flare Watch

Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
Target region, NOAA 1515 was the source of another major flare
(M6.9 at 07/08/16:32 UT).  1515 has only slightly decayed in
the past 24 hour period. The region classification is now
an F-type/beta-gamma with a possible delta configuration.
Another major flare =/>M5 is possible before 1515 completes
west limb passage.  The largest region on the visible disk is
NOAA 1520 (S15E44, -634", -287"). 1520 is classified as an
F-type/beta-gamma region.  It also has the potential to
produce an event =/>M5 in the next 24 to 48 hours but so
far has been relatively quiescent.

The position of NOAA 1515 on July 08 at 17:00 UT is:
S17W73 (Solar X = 863", Solar Y = -211")

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Bill Marquette (Helio Research)