MM#009 Default HESSI Target

Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
Target region 1654 continues in decay phase as it rotates
over the northwest limb. It was the source of minor C-class
activity in the past 24 hours.  Additional C-class events
possible before 1654 completes west limb passage.
Recently emerged NOAA 1660, N11E04, has added new
spots and is now displaying an arch-type filament system and
bright H-alpha plage. C-class events possible especially if
1660 continues in growth phase. 

The position of NOAA 1654 on January 20 at 14:00 UT is:
N07W81 (Solar X = 955", Solar Y = 131")

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Bill Marquette (Helio Research)