MM#003 Major Flare Watch

Dear RHESSI Collaborators,
Solar flare activity continues at a high level.  NOAA 1875
(N07W74) was the most active region in the past 24 hours
producing 2 major flares (X1 event at 10/28/02:03 UT and
an M5.1 event at 10/28/04:41 UT).  1875 very rapidly developed
a strong delta configuration located in the large, leading
penumbra late UT yesterday.  The delta appears to have
decayed somewhat following the X- and M- events. 
Target region NOAA 1882 was the source of 2 M-class
events today.  The largest was an M4.4 at 10/28/15:15 UT.
1882 is currently in growth phase adding sunspot area and count
in its trailing portion where a strong delta configuration is located.
The Major Flare Watch will continue today with 1882 as its target
region. Both 1882 and 1875 have the potential to produce a
 major flare =/>M5 with a chance of an X-class event as well in the
next 24 hours.

The position of NOAA 1882 on October 28 at 16:30 UT is:
S08E24 (Solar X = -390", Solar Y = -206")

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Bill Marquette (Helio Research)