Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

The level of solar activity remains very low, with the background soft
X-ray flux lying around the GOES B1.0/B2.0 level. NOAA active regions
11623 and 11625 have maintained spot area and number of spots, as well
as beta/D-type sunspot group classifications. NOAA region 11623 is the
more active, producing 9 B-class events since yesterday's message (the
largest being a B7.0 flare on 4-Dec-2012 at 01:57 UT). Further B-class
activity is expected, with a chance for a C-class event.

The position of NOAA 11623/11625 on 4-Dec-2012 at 14:30 UT is:

N11W13, ( 216", 180" )

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Shaun Bloomfield (Trinity College Dublin)