Dear RHESSI Collaborators,

Solar activity is at a very low level. NOAA regions 11631 and 11632
have increased marginally in spot area over the past 24 hours, with
11631 also increasing in number of spots. Magnetic loops connecting
the leading spot of 11631 and the opposite polarity trailing plage
of 11632 were the source of a C1.2 flare on 13-Dec-2012 at 19:11 UT.
B-class activity is expected in the next 24 hours, with a chance for
an isolated C-class flare.

The position of NOAA 11631 on 14-Dec-2012 at 13:30 UT is:

N21W27, ( 419", 363" )

See for images and
for a description of the current Max Millennium Observing Plan.


Shaun Bloomfield (Trinity College Dublin)