Dear Colleague,


As you may already know, there will be a Global Energetics working group at the Petaluma meeting on “Tracing the Connections in Solar Eruptive Events” This email is to encourage you to register for the meeting and to plan on participating in Working Group #2 on “Global Energetics of an Ensemble of Events” that we will be leading.


Our plans for this working group are to build on the previous work that led to the two Emslie et al. papers -

Emslie et al. (2004), Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 109, 10104

Emslie et al. (2005), Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 110, 11103

A third paper recently submitted to ApJ is based on the analysis of 38 large events recorded from 2002 through 2006. The energies were estimated from available observations of the major SEE components, including the flare thermal plasma, radiated emissions, and accelerated electrons and ions; the CME kinetic and potential energies; and the energy in SEPs.


We would like to proceed in this workshop by selecting events recorded after 2006 and determine the energies of the different flare, CME, and SEP components.  We expect to be able to make assessments of the different energetic components, similar to what was done for the pre-2006 events, but we are particularly interested in using data from the new instruments that were not available for the earlier events. In particular, we hope to be able to make better assessments of the following energetic components:

·          CME kinetic and potential energies from STEREO observations

·          Thermal energy of CME material

·          Magnetic free energy from HMI observations

·          Flare plasma thermal energy using differential emission measures derived from EVE, AIA, EIS, etc.

·          Kinetic energy of thermal plasma turbulent and directed motions

·          SEP kinetic energy estimates using 2 and 3 point measurements


One of the limitations of the previous work was the relatively small dynamic range in the sizes of the studied events compared to the order-of-magnitude uncertainties in the values of most of the measured energies. Consequently, this time, we would like to include a significant number of weaker events in order to assess any trends in the relative magnitudes of the different components with intensity.


We will shortly send out a list of events for analysis, with the hope that results will be available for discussion at the meeting. Send us your favorite events that you feel would be appropriate for inclusion in this exercise.


Please let us know if you are interested in participating in this enterprise and the particular areas of your involvement. The easiest way to do this is to just reply to this email with your expression of interest. It would also help greatly if you would submit a title and abstract when you register for the meeting and select Working Group 2 for a poster or a talk.


Best wishes,


Brian and Claire


Brian R. Dennis

Solar Physics Laboratory, Code 671

Goddard Space Flight Center

Greenbelt, MD 20771



Claire Raftery

Space Science Lab
UC Berkeley
7 Gauss Way
CA 94720-7450
Tel: +1 510 643 5648
skype: rafteryc