The SolarNuggets continue the earlier series of RHESSI Nuggets, and are now located at
The entries for February 2025 are as follows:
No. 487, “From Chromospheric Evaporation to Coronal Rain: An Investigation of the Mass and Energy Cycle of a Flare,” by Seray ŞAHIN and Patrick ANTOLIN: a first quantitativie comparison of flare evaporation and coronal rain.
No. 488, “Solar Gamma-Ray Evidence for a Distinct Population of MeV Flare-accelerated Electrons,” by Gerry SHARE: relativistic electrons in solar flares are newly recognized as a distinct process.
No. 489, “New insights into the proton precipitation sites in solar flares,” by Andrea Francesco BATTAGLIA and Säm KRUCKER: there is no detectable difference in proton and electron footpoint locations after all.
As always, we welcome new items and encourage opinion pieces and news items as well as descriptions of new discoveries.
Just email Hugh Hudson with a page of text and 2-3 nice figures.