Hi all,


Sorry that this is VERY last minute.  Please forward this on to anyone whom you feel would be interested.


You are all invited to co-sign three white papers related to COMPLETE, a flagship mission concept for 3D understanding of magnetic energy storage and release in the corona.  Papers are linked and briefly described below -- the mission and science papers still need some polish which we'll be doing today, but should hopefully be sufficient for your evaluation.


Please add your name to the respective author spreadsheets by 6pm MDT if you would like to co-sign!


Science: describing the need for comprehensive 3D understanding of coronal magnetic energy storage and release.

Paper draft -- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GW72bPuDGbkAXRbXovvz9PMLExy7jORT/view?usp=sharing

Author list -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GZMhei9RIsp7ra_osGkhAnzAWjWg3Rn2/edit


Mission: describing the COMPLETE concept, brief science overview, instrumentation, mission, and timeline/cost

Paper draft -- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GTLuV6eAB6XAZmXlAaoDWz20_pOmprsq/view?usp=sharing

Author list -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GevUH2qjGHyL8-U3IpVAkSAmdOanVQOV/edit


Data philosophy: describing the need for unified data formats, and new assimilation and analysis frameworks ... uses COMPLETE as a case study but extends well beyond COMPLETE!

Paper (final) -- https://www.overleaf.com/3429236955tpwhmdcfkkbm

Author list -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ACZ6cUi139b6h1YWKynhWCc7rIJ53KLG/edit


We welcome your support!


--- Amir