The deadline for registration and abstract submission to the May 24-26, 2021, meeting on Solar Flare Energy Release has been extended to May 12. The link for abstract submission can be found either on the conference website ( or the SolFER website ( Abstracts from early career scientists and students are especially welcome. 


The SolFER DRIVE Science Center is announcing a web-based science meeting on Solar Flare Energy Release to take place on May 24-26, 2021. The meeting is open to all scientists working on the topic. The meeting will include invited talks, submitted oral talks as well as poster presentations and will provide substantial time for informal scientific discussion.  We encourage paper submissions that are based on remote and in situ observational data as well as those based on theory and modeling. Extensive use will be made of Gather meeting software to facilitate interactive poster sessions as well as informal discussion between meeting participants. The meeting will be organized around the key scientific topics listed as follows: 

More information on these scientific topics can be found on the SolFER website ( The list of confirmed invited speakers for the meeting is below: