Dear all,
UCL-MSSL is pleased to announce a new Hinode EIS science nugget on a study of a large X-ray jet which was simultaneously observed by EIS, SUMER, XRT and EUVI Ahead and Behind and is by Maria Madjarska (Armagh Observatory, N. Ireland). The nugget will be available from 1 April.
Next month's nugget is entitled "Hinode observations and 3D magnetic structure of an X-ray bright point" by C. E. Alexander, G. Del Zanna and R. C. Maclean.
EIS nuggets are published on the 1st of every month and we welcome contributions from the community. Please contact Lucie Green if you are interested.
Best wishes, Lucie
Dr Lucie Green Mullard Space Science Laboratory Holmbury St. Mary Dorking Surrey RH5 6NT
+44 (0)1483 204103