50. 3D Visualisation of the Eigenmodes of a Straight Magnetic Flux Tube
by Ioannis Giagkiozis, Viktor Fedun, Robertus Erdélyi, and Gary Verth (University of Sheffield)

Online visualisations of MHD modes can aid solar physicists in interpreting imaging and spectroscopic data.

UKSP Nuggets are published on a monthly basis highlighting solar physics research led from the UK.


Iain Hannah and Lyndsay Fletcher

Dr. Iain G. Hannah
Royal Society Research Fellow,
Astronomy & Astrophysics Group,
SUPA School of Physics & Astronomy,
Kelvin Building,
University of Glasgow,
Glasgow, UK, G12 8QQ

Web: http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/~iain/
Eml: iain.hannah@glasgow.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)141 330 6427
Fax: +44 (0)141 330 5183