Second Circular for "Chromo AID 2016", a meeting that anticipates the new views of the chromosphere we expect from ALMA and DKIST.
Venue: Boulder, Colorado USA Dates: March 15-18, 2016 URL:
The new ALMA and DKIST facilities will greatly extend our understanding of the chromosphere, and the enigmatic interface region between the classical photosphere and the equally classical, but very different, corona. Together with IRIS, which already is exploring this crucial interface, these facilities will provide comprehensive high-resolution observations over many decades in wavelength, from the far-UV to the sub-mm/mm wavelength range. Hence ALMA-IRIS-DKIST or "AID".
The immediate goal here will be to prepare for the ALMA Cycle 4 call for proposals, which will be the first for which solar programs will be accepted. The main structure of this meeting will consist of invited overview presentations, plus tutorials, arranged in single sessions. Because space in our venue (NSO Boulder) is restricted, we recommend early registration.
We anticipate an excellent program, with invited speakers De Pontieu, Bastian, Rimmele, Wedemeyer, Uitenbroeck, Loukitcheva, Schad, Shimojo, Reardon, Lagg, Hansteen, Leake, Vissers, Fletcher, Kuhn, De Wijn, Qiu, Ishikawa, and Penn. The program will be single-session but there will be room for posters, and we plan one-slide presentations of same.
Please note that Boulder Solar Day 2016 will take place on Monday, March 14.
Tim Bastian, Hugh Hudson (SOC chair), Scott McIntosh, Valentin Pillet (LOC chair)