Dear Colleagues,
This is the second announcement for the 14th European Solar Physics Meeting (ESPM-14) that will take place in Dublin, Ireland over 8-12 September 2014. The meeting will be hosted by Trinity College Dublin, which is centrally located in Dublin city. ESPMs are organized by the Board of the European Solar Physics Division (ESPD), a joint Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) and the European Astronomical Society (EAS). These meetings occur every 3 years with the purpose of bringing together researchers from Europe and beyond that are active in the theoretical and observational study of all solar phenomena.
We are pleased to announce the following preliminary list of science session titles for ESPM-14:
Session 1 - New and Upcoming Heliospheric Observational and Data Assimilation Facilities Session 2 - The Sun as a Whole: Large-Scale Flows, Magnetism, Magnetoconvection and the Solar Cycle Session 3 - Emergence and Evolution of Magnetic Flux in the Solar Atmosphere Session 4 - Chromospheric Dynamics Session 5 - Heating and Transient Activity of the Solar Corona: Waves, Flows, Reconnection and Jets Session 6 - Solar Eruptive Events: Instabilities, Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections Session 7 - Radio Emission and Particle Acceleration Session 8 - The Solar Wind and Space Weather Research
Online registration and abstract submission will open in early spring 2014. The ESPM-14 Local and Scientific Organizing Committees are currently working to secure funding that will provide financial aid to a number of PhD students via partial travel and/or local support. Further details related to registration costs, abstract submission, accomodation, financial assistance and relevant deadlines will be circulated in a third announcement shortly after the New Year.
The meeting website can be found at
We look forward to welcoming you to Dublin.
Best regards,
ESPM-14 Scientific and Local Organizing Committees