Announcing a new EIS Science Nugget for May 2011
"Hinode observations and 3D magnetic structure of an X-ray bright point" by C. E. Alexander - University of Central Lancashire, UK, G. Del Zanna - University of Cambridge, UK, and R. C. Maclean - formerly of St Andrews University, UK.
Please visit it via URL address - SolarB/eisnuggets.jsp
We publish these at roughly one month intervals. Please contact Lucie Green if you would like to submit a nugget. Next month's nugget is entitled "Contamination levels of EIS as measured by QCM and LED flat- field intensity levels" by Louisa Bradley, MSSL.
Dr Lucie Green Mullard Space Science Laboratory Holmbury St. Mary Dorking Surrey RH5 6NT
+44 (0)1483 204103