Dear GOES users,


The GOES workbench and object in SSWIDL now provide access to the new GOES-R  XRS data (GOES 16, 17) as well as reprocessed GOES 13, 14, and 15 XRS data.


The 'GOES SSWIDL User Guide' has been updated to describe the new options.  It also includes an explanation of those confusing scaling factors (if it's still not clear, please let me know!):

The short version is that there is a new archive designation - noaa - for the G16,17 and reprocessed G13,14,15 data. If you don't set any archive choice (noaa, sdac or yohkoh), the s/w will search for your requested times in all three archives, noaa first.  GOES16 is now the default satellite to search for, but if your times aren't found, other satellite data will be searched (as before).


Currently the temperature and emission measure calculations in the GOES workbench are disallowed pending modifications to those routines to accommodate the new G16,17 transfer functions.


The EUV data from GOES 16,17 are not available yet, but NOAA promises they will be later this year.  We'll add access to them when we can.


As a side note, if you're still having trouble updating SSW, I wrote this document that might help:

If you haven't updated at all since ~Oct 2019, please see Bill Thompson's information about switching to the new update setup here:


