Dear colleagues,


Registration and abstract submission are CLOSING SOON for the Solar Physics High Energy Research (SPHERE) Workshop, to be held 11–15 July 2022. The workshop will be a hybrid format with online access and two in-person locations: Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in Boulder, Colorado, USA and Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) in Windisch, Switzerland.


For full details, please visit the workshop website:


Abstract submission deadline: 17 June 2022

NOTE: please contact the organizers if you will have trouble meeting this deadline and need additional time.

The complete schedule/agenda will be posted ASAP, before the end of June.


Registration deadlines: U.S. – 30 June 2022 | Europe – 11 July 2022 | virtual – 11 July 2022

Registration fee: none

U.S. hotel reservation deadline: 30 June 2022 (through the registration form)


Oral presentation requests will be accepted from early-career researchers (up to 5 years post PhD) and students only – the ongoing pandemic has severely restricted opportunities for young researchers, so we are prioritizing oral presentations for them.


Poster presentations will be accepted from any attendee.  Because of the hybrid format, posters must be submitted as PDF for online access, and may also be presented in person (format TBD).


We hope to see you soon in Boulder, Windisch, or online!

– Amir Caspi & Säm Krucker, on behalf of the organizing committee