Publications of Dr. Tongjiang Wang
A list of publications authored or co-authored by Dr. Tongjiang Wang, derived from the ADS Abstracts Service. The number in brackets after each title indicates the number of citations that the paper has received.
List of publications ordered by citations
Number of papers: 102 (refereed: 78)
No. of citations: 4385
h-index: 37
First author papers: 45 (refereed: 30)
- Exploring Standing and Reflected Slow-Mode Waves in Flaring Coronal Loops: A Parametric Study Using 2.5D MHD Modeling [0]
Wang, Tongjiang, Ofman, Leon & Bradshaw, Stephen J., Solar Physics, 299, 37
- Reconnection-generated Plasma Flows in the Quasi-separatrix Layer in Localized Solar Corona [1]
Mondal, Sripan, Srivastava, Abhishek K., Mishra, Sudheer K., Sangal, K., Kayshap, Pradeep, Guo, Yang, Pontin, David I., Uritsky, Vadim M., Ofman, Leon, Wang, Tongjiang & Yuan, Ding, ApJ, 953, 84
- Quantitative Evaluation of Coronal Magnetic Field Models Using Tomographic Reconstructions of Electron Density [1]
Jones, Shaela I., Wang, T. J., Arge, C. N., Henney, C. J., Uritsky, V. M. & Rura, C., ApJ, 928, 131
- Excitation and Damping of Slow Magnetosonic Waves in Flaring Hot Coronal Loops: Effects of Compressive Viscosity [8]
Ofman, Leon & Wang, Tongjiang, ApJ, 926, 64
- Role of Non-ideal Dissipation with Heating-Cooling Misbalance on the Phase Shifts of Standing Slow Magnetohydrodynamic Waves [15]
Prasad, Abhinav, Srivastava, A. K., Wang, Tongjiang & Sangal, Kartika, Solar Physics, 297, 5
- Spectroscopic study of solar transition region oscillations in the quiet-Sun observed by IRIS using the Si IV spectral line [3]
Sangal, Kartika, Srivastava, A. K., Kayshap, P., Wang, T. J., González-Avilés, J. J. & Prasad, Abhinav, MNRAS, 517, 458
- Plasma Heating and Nanoflare Caused by Slow-mode Wave in a Coronal Loop [6]
Xia, Fanxiaoyu, Wang, Tongjiang, Su, Yang, Zhao, Jie, Zhang, Qingmin, Veronig, Astrid M. & Gan, Weiqun, ApJ, 936, L13
- Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in Open Coronal Structures [52]
Banerjee, D., Krishna Prasad, S., Pant, V., McLaughlin, J. A., Antolin, P., Magyar, N., Ofman, L., Tian, H., Van Doorsselaere, T., De Moortel, I. & Wang, T. J., Space Science Reviews, 217, 76
- Effect of Thermal Conductivity, Compressive Viscosity and Radiative Cooling on the Phase Shift of Propagating Slow Waves with and Without Heating-Cooling Imbalance [18]
Prasad, Abhinav, Srivastava, A. K. & Wang, Tongjiang, Solar Physics, 296, 105
- Role of Compressive Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity on the Damping of Slow Waves in Coronal Loops with and Without Heating-Cooling Imbalance [25]
Prasad, Abhinav, Srivastava, A. K. & Wang, T. J., Solar Physics, 296, 20
- New Results on the Direct Observations of Thermal Radio Emission from a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection [9]
Ramesh, R., Kumari, A., Kathiravan, C., Ketaki, D. & Wang, T. J., Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e91048
- Slow-Mode Magnetoacoustic Waves in Coronal Loops [65]
Wang, Tongjiang, Ofman, Leon, Yuan, Ding, Reale, Fabio, Kolotkov, Dmitrii Y. & Srivastava, Abhishek K., Space Science Reviews, 217, 34
- Direct Estimates of the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Using Contemporaneous Extreme-ultraviolet, Radio, and White-light Observations [26]
Kumari, Anshu, Ramesh, R., Kathiravan, C., Wang, T. J. & Gopalswamy, N., ApJ, 881, 24
- Determination of Transport Coefficients by Coronal Seismology of Flare-induced Slow-mode Waves: Numerical Parametric Study of a 1D Loop Model [21]
Wang, Tongjiang & Ofman, Leon, ApJ, 886, 2
- Excitation of flare-induced waves in coronal loops and the effects of radiative cooling [16]
Provornikova, Elena, Ofman, Leon & Wang, Tongjiang, Advances in Space Research, 61, 645
- Effect of Transport Coefficients on Excitation of Flare-induced Standing Slow-mode Waves in Coronal Loops [25]
Wang, Tongjiang, Ofman, Leon, Sun, Xudong, Solanki, Sami K. & Davila, Joseph M., ApJ, 860, 107
- Detection and Interpretation of Long-lived X-Ray Quasi-periodic Pulsations in the X-class Solar Flare on 2013 May 14 [34]
Dennis, Brian R., Tolbert, Anne K., Inglis, Andrew, Ireland, Jack, Wang, Tongjiang, Holman, Gordon D., Hayes, Laura A. & Gallagher, Peter T., ApJ, 836, 84
- Addendum to: Strength of the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field - A Comparison of Independent Estimates Using Contemporaneous Radio and White-Light Observations [9]
Kumari, Anshu, Ramesh, R., Kathiravan, C. & Wang, T. J., Solar Physics, 292, 177
- Strength of the Solar Coronal Magnetic Field - A Comparison of Independent Estimates Using Contemporaneous Radio and White-Light Observations [31]
Kumari, Anshu, Ramesh, R., Kathiravan, C. & Wang, T. J., Solar Physics, 292, 161
- Variation in Coronal Activity from Solar Cycle 24 Minimum to Maximum Using Three-Dimensional Reconstructions of the Coronal Electron Density from STEREO/COR1 [17]
Wang, Tongjiang, Reginald, Nelson L., Davila, Joseph M., St. Cyr, O. Chris & Thompson, William T., Solar Physics, 292, 97
- Simultaneous Near-Sun Observations of a Moving Type IV Radio Burst and the Associated White-Light Coronal Mass Ejection [19]
Hariharan, K., Ramesh, R., Kathiravan, C. & Wang, T. J., Solar Physics, 291, 1405
- Global Sausage Oscillation of Solar Flare Loops Detected by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph [83]
Tian, Hui, Young, Peter R., Reeves, Katharine K., Wang, Tongjiang, Antolin, Patrick, Chen, Bin & He, Jiansen, ApJ, 823, L16
- Waves in Solar Coronal Loops [37]
Wang, T. J., Geophysical Monograph Series, 216, 395
- Evidence of thermal conduction suppression in hot coronal loops: supplementary results [7]
Wang, Tongjiang, Ofman, Leon, Sun, Xudong, Provornikova, Elena & Davila, Joseph M., Solar and Stellar Flares and their Effects on Planets (Editors: Kosovichev, A. G., Hawley, S. L. & Heinzel, P.), 320, p. 202
- Evidence of Thermal Conduction Suppression in a Solar Flaring Loop by Coronal Seismology of Slow-mode Waves [67]
Wang, Tongjiang, Ofman, Leon, Sun, Xudong, Provornikova, Elena & Davila, Joseph M., ApJ, 811, L13
- An Estimate of the Magnetic Field Strength Associated with a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection from Low Frequency Radio Observations [38]
Sasikumar Raja, K., Ramesh, R., Hariharan, K., Kathiravan, C. & Wang, T. J., ApJ, 796, 56
- Solar Magnetized Tornadoes: Rotational Motion in a Tornado-like Prominence [51]
Su, Yang, Gömöry, Peter, Veronig, Astrid, Temmer, Manuela, Wang, Tongjiang, Vanninathan, Kamalam, Gan, Weiqun & Li, YouPing, ApJ, 785, L2
- Validation of Spherically Symmetric Inversion by Use of a Tomographically Reconstructed Three-Dimensional Electron Density of the Solar Corona [19]
Wang, Tongjiang & Davila, Joseph M., Solar Physics, 289, 3723
- Global Coronal Seismology in the Extended Solar Corona through Fast Magnetosonic Waves Observed by STEREO SECCHI COR1 [26]
Kwon, Ryun-Young, Kramar, Maxim, Wang, Tongjiang, Ofman, Leon, Davila, Joseph M., Chae, Jongchul & Zhang, Jie, ApJ, 776, 55
- Low-frequency Observations of Drifting, Non-thermal Continuum Radio Emission Associated with the Solar Coronal Mass Ejections [20]
Ramesh, R., Kishore, P., Mulay, Sargam M., Barve, Indrajit V., Kathiravan, C. & Wang, T. J., ApJ, 778, 30
- Imaging coronal magnetic-field reconnection in a solar flare [186]
Su, Yang, Veronig, Astrid M., Holman, Gordon D., Dennis, Brian R., Wang, Tongjiang, Temmer, Manuela & Gan, Weiqun, Nature Physics, 9, 489
- Three-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Modeling of Propagating Disturbances in Fan-like Coronal Loops [45]
Wang, Tongjiang, Ofman, Leon & Davila, Joseph M., ApJ, 775, L23
- Slow Magnetosonic Waves and Fast Flows in Active Region Loops [68]
Ofman, L., Wang, T. J. & Davila, J. M., ApJ, 754, 111
- Solar Magnetized "Tornadoes:" Relation to Filaments [87]
Su, Yang, Wang, Tongjiang, Veronig, Astrid, Temmer, Manuela & Gan, Weiqun, ApJ, 756, L41
- Observations of a Two-stage Solar Eruptive Event (SEE): Evidence for Secondary Heating [21]
Su, Yang, Dennis, Brian R., Holman, Gordon D., Wang, Tongjiang, Chamberlin, Phillip C., Savage, Sabrina & Veronig, Astrid, ApJ, 746, L5
- Persistent Doppler Shift Oscillations Observed with Hinode/EIS in the Solar Corona: Spectroscopic Signatures of Alfvénic Waves and Recurring Upflows [141]
Tian, Hui, McIntosh, Scott W., Wang, Tongjiang, Ofman, Leon, De Pontieu, Bart, Innes, Davina E. & Peter, Hardi, ApJ, 759, 144
- Growing Transverse Oscillations of a Multistranded Loop Observed by SDO/AIA [120]
Wang, Tongjiang, Ofman, Leon, Davila, Joseph M. & Su, Yang, ApJ, 751, L27
- Observing the reconnection region in a transequatorial loop system [8]
Liu, Rui, Wang, Tong-Jiang, Lee, Jeongwoo, Stenborg, Guillermo, Liu, Chang, Park, Sung-Hong & Wang, Hai-Min, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 11, 1209
- Standing Slow-Mode Waves in Hot Coronal Loops: Observations, Modeling, and Coronal Seismology [149]
Wang, Tongjiang, Space Science Reviews, 158, 397
- Underflight Calibration of SOHO/CDS and Hinode/EIS with EUNIS-07 [26]
Wang, Tongjiang, Thomas, Roger J., Brosius, Jeffrey W., Young, Peter R., Rabin, Douglas M., Davila, Joseph M. & Del Zanna, Giulio, ApJS, 197, 32
- A Reconnecting Current Sheet Imaged in a Solar Flare [77]
Liu, Rui, Lee, Jeongwoo, Wang, Tongjiang, Stenborg, Guillermo, Liu, Chang & Wang, Haimin, ApJ, 723, L28
- Absolute Radiometric Calibration of the EUNIS-06 170-205 Å Channel and Calibration Update for Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer/Normal-Incidence Spectrometer [8]
Wang, Tongjiang, Brosius, Jeffrey W., Thomas, Roger J., Rabin, Douglas M. & Davila, Joseph M., ApJS, 186, 222
- Episodic X-Ray Emission Accompanying the Activation of an Eruptive Prominence: Evidence of Episodic Magnetic Reconnection [24]
Liu, Wei, Wang, Tong-Jiang, Dennis, Brian R. & Holman, Gordon D., ApJ, 698, 632
- Propagating Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in Coronal Loops Observed by Hinode/EIS [82]
Wang, T. J., Ofman, L. & Davila, J. M., ApJ, 696, 1448
- Direct Observation of High-Speed Reconnection Outflows With SOHO/SUMER, TRACE and RHESSI [1]
Wang, T. J., Sui, L. & Qiu, J., The Second Hinode Science Meeting: Beyond Discovery-Toward Understanding (Editors: Lites, B., Cheung, M., Magara, T., Mariska, J. & Reeves, K.), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 415, p. 447
- Hinode/EIS Observations of Propagating Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in a Coronal Loop [4]
Wang, T. J., Ofman, L. & Davila, J. M., The Second Hinode Science Meeting: Beyond Discovery-Toward Understanding (Editors: Lites, B., Cheung, M., Magara, T., Mariska, J. & Reeves, K.), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 415, p. 28
- Hinode/EIS observations of propagating low-frequency slow magnetoacoustic waves in fan-like coronal loops [97]
Wang, T. J., Ofman, L., Davila, J. M. & Mariska, J. T., A&A, 503, L25
- Analytic approximate seismology of transversely oscillating coronal loops [87]
Goossens, M., Arregui, I., Ballester, J. L. & Wang, T. J., A&A, 484, 851
- Hinode observations of transverse waves with flows in coronal loops [130]
Ofman, L. & Wang, T. J., A&A, 482, L9
- Identification of different types of kink modes in coronal loops: principles and application to TRACE results [32]
Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K. & Selwa, M., A&A, 489, 1307
- High Velocity Doppler Shift Observations of 10 MK Flare Plasma [0]
Innes, D. E. & Wang, T. J., New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission (Editors: Shibata, K., Nagata, S. & Sakurai, T.), Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 369, p. 481
- Energy leakage as an attenuation mechanism for vertical kink oscillations in solar coronal wave guides [39]
Selwa, M., Murawski, K., Solanki, S. K. & Wang, T. J., A&A, 462, 1127
- Forward Modeling of Hot Loop Oscillations Observed by SUMER and SXT [49]
Taroyan, Y., Erdélyi, R., Wang, T. J. & Bradshaw, S. J., ApJ, 659, L173
- Direct Observation of High-Speed Plasma Outflows Produced by Magnetic Reconnection in Solar Impulsive Events [86]
Wang, Tongjiang, Sui, Linhui & Qiu, Jiong, ApJ, 661, L207
- Determination of the Coronal Magnetic Field from Hot-Loop Oscillations Observed by SUMER and SXT [76]
Wang, Tongjiang, Innes, Davina E. & Qiu, Jiong, ApJ, 656, 598
- Microflares and Loop Oscillations [0]
Innes, D. E., Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K. & Tothova, D., SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond (Editors: Lacoste, H. & Ouwehand, L.), ESA Special Publication, 617, p. 132
- Numerical simulations of impulsively generated vertical oscillations in a solar coronal arcade loop [35]
Selwa, M., Solanki, S. K., Murawski, K., Wang, T. J. & Shumlak, U., A&A, 454, 653
- Fe XIX observations of active region brightenings in the corona [20]
Wang, T. J., Innes, D. E. & Solanki, S. K., A&A, 455, 1105
- Evidence for In Situ Heating in Active Region Loops [0]
Curdt, W., Landi, E., Wang, T. J. & Feldman, U., Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16, Connecting Sun and Heliosphere (Editors: Fleck, B., Zurbuchen, T. H. & Lacoste, H.), ESA Special Publication, 592, p. 475
- Impulsive Generation of Vertical Oscillations of a Solar Coronal Arcade Loop [0]
Selwa, M., Murawski, K., Solanki, S. K., Wang, T. J. & Shumlak, U., Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields (Editors: Innes, D. E., Lagg, A. & Solanki, S. A.), ESA Special Publication, 596, p. 43.1
- Numerical simulations of vertical oscillations of a solar coronal loop [44]
Selwa, M., Murawski, K., Solanki, S. K., Wang, T. J. & Tóth, G., A&A, 440, 385
- Oscillations and Waves in Coronal Loops [2]
Wang, T., Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields (Editors: Innes, D. E., Lagg, A. & Solanki, S. A.), ESA Special Publication, 596, p. 42.1
- Flarelike Brightenings of Active Region Loops Observed with SUMER [0]
Wang, T. J., Innes, D. E., Solanki, S. K. & Curdt, W., The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations (Editors: Danesy, D., Poedts, S., de Groof, A. & Andries, J.), ESA Special Publication, 11, p. 105.1
- Initiation of hot coronal loop oscillations: Spectral features [74]
Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K., Innes, D. E. & Curdt, W., A&A, 435, 753
- SUMER Observations of Heating and Cooling of Coronal Loops [3]
Curdt, W., Wang, T. J., Dwivedi, B. N., Kliem, B. & Dammasch, I. E., SOHO 13 Waves, Oscillations and Small-Scale Transients Events in the Solar Atmosphere: Joint View from SOHO and TRACE (Editors: Lacoste, H.), ESA Special Publication, 547, p. 333
- Overview of Slow Mode Oscillations in Hot Coronal Loops Observed by SUMER [0]
Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K., Curdt, W. & Innes, D. E., Stars as Suns : Activity, Evolution and Planets (Editors: Dupree, Andrea K. & Benz, Arnold O.), 219, p. 712
- Coronal Loop Oscillations: Overview of Recent Results In Observations [25]
Wang, T. J., SOHO 13 Waves, Oscillations and Small-Scale Transients Events in the Solar Atmosphere: Joint View from SOHO and TRACE (Editors: Lacoste, H.), ESA Special Publication, 547, p. 417
- Vertical oscillations of a coronal loop observed by TRACE [152]
Wang, T. J. & Solanki, S. K., A&A, 421, L33
- Doppler Oscillations of Active Region Loops: Steps towards Coronal Seismology [2]
Curdt, W., Wang, T. J., Dammasch, I. E. & Solanki, S. K., Hvar Observatory Bulletin, 27, 83
- Observations of 1000 km s−1 Doppler shifts in 107 K solar flare supra-arcade [110]
Innes, D. E., McKenzie, D. E. & Wang, Tongjiang, Solar Physics, 217, 267
- SUMER spectral observations of post-flare supra-arcade inflows [116]
Innes, D. E., McKenzie, D. E. & Wang, Tongjiang, Solar Physics, 217, 247
- Overview of Recent Results on Coronal Loop Oscillations [0]
Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K., Curdt, W. & Innes, D. E., Astronomische Nachrichten Supplement, 324, 19
- Hot loop oscillations seen by SUMER [1]
Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K., Curdt, W., Innes, D. E. & Dammasch, I. E., Astronomische Nachrichten, 324, 340
- Hot coronal loop oscillations observed with SUMER: Examples and statistics [159]
Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K., Curdt, W., Innes, D. E., Dammasch, I. E. & Kliem, B., A&A, 406, 1105
- Slow-mode standing waves observed by SUMER in hot coronal loops [145]
Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K., Innes, D. E., Curdt, W. & Marsch, E., A&A, 402, L17
- Doppler oscillations in hot coronal loops [3]
Curdt, W., Wang, T. J., Innes, D. E., Solanki, S. K., Dammasch, I. E., Kliem, B. & Ofman, L., Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers (Editors: Wilson, A.), ESA Special Publication, 2, p. 581
- Relation between a Moreton Wave and an EIT Wave Observed on 1997 November 4 [122]
Eto, Shigeru, Isobe, Hiroaki, Narukage, Noriyuki, Asai, Ayumi, Morimoto, Taro, Thompson, Barbara, Yashiro, Seiji, Wang, Tongjiang, Kitai, Reizaburo, Kurokawa, Hiroki & Shibata, Kazunari, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 54, 481
- Pre-Flare Heating Around the Temperature Minimum Region Found Right Prior to an X-Class Flare [0]
Kurokawa, H., Ishii, T. T., Wang, T. J. & Shine, R., Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics (Editors: Martens, P. C. H. & Cauffman, D.), 10, p. 257
- Emergence and Drastic Breakdown of a Twisted Flux Rope to Trigger Strong Solar Flares in NOAA Active Region 9026 [49]
Kurokawa, Hiroki, Wang, Tongjiang & Ishii, Takako T., ApJ, 572, 598
- Hot Coronal Loop Oscillations Observed by SUMER: Slow Magnetosonic Wave Damping by Thermal Conduction [219]
Ofman, L. & Wang, Tongjiang, ApJ, 580, L85
- Oscillating hot loops observed by SUMER [12]
Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K., Curdt, W., Innes, D. E. & Dammasch, I. E., From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO (Editors: Wilson, A.), ESA Special Publication, 508, p. 465
- Initial features of an X-class flare observed with SUMER and TRACE [11]
Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K., Innes, D. E. & Curdt, W., SOLMAG 2002. Proceedings of the Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere Euroconference (Editors: Sawaya-Lacoste, Huguette), ESA Special Publication, 505, p. 607
- Hot loop oscillations seen by SUMER: examples and statistics [7]
Wang, T. J., Solanki, S. K., Curdt, W., Innes, D. E. & Dammasch, I. E., SOLMAG 2002. Proceedings of the Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere Euroconference (Editors: Sawaya-Lacoste, Huguette), ESA Special Publication, 505, p. 199
- Doppler Shift Oscillations of Hot Solar Coronal Plasma Seen by SUMER: A Signature of Loop Oscillations? [210]
Wang, Tongjiang, Solanki, S. K., Curdt, W., Innes, D. E. & Dammasch, I. E., ApJ, 574, L101
- The Large-Scale Coronal Field Structure and Source Region Features for a Halo Coronal Mass Ejection [76]
Wang, Tongjiang, Yan, Yihua, Wang, Jialong, Kurokawa, H. & Shibata, K., ApJ, 572, 580
- Helicity Computation Using Observations From two Different Polarimetric Instruments [54]
Bao, S. D., Pevtsov, A. A., Wang, T. J. & Zhang, H. Q., Solar Physics, 195, 75
- Evolution of magnetic field twist in an emerging flux region [19]
Wang, Tongjiang & Abramenko, V. I., A&A, 357, 1056
- A comparison of vector magnetograms observed in two different polarimeter instruments. [0]
Shudong, Bao, Wang, Tongjiang & Zhang, Hongqi, Astrophysics Reports Publications of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory, 34, 8
- Evolution of Twist in An Emerging Flux Region NOAA 7321 [3]
Wang, T. J. & Abramenko, V. I., Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes (Editors: Wilson, A. & et al.), ESA Special Publication, 448, p. 671
- Evolution of twist in active region emerging flux. [0]
Wang, Tongjiang, Astrophysics Reports Publications of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory, 34, 28
- Two-dimensional singular points in an observed transverse field in solar active region NOAA 7321 [16]
Wang, Tongjiang, Wang, Huaning & Qiu, Jiong, A&A, 342, 854
- Magnetic field configuration of a 1N/M1.1 flare in AR 7321. [0]
Wang, T. J., Qiu, J. & Zhang, H. Q., JOSO Annu. Rep., 1997, p. 134
- The study of magnetic field configuration of a 1N/M1.1 flare in AR7321 [16]
Wang, Tongjiang, Qiu, Jiong & Zhang, Hongqi, A&A, 336, 359
- Electric Current Helicity in 40 Active Regions in the Maximum of Solar Cycle 22 [37]
Abramenko, V. I., Wang, Tongjiang & Yurchishin, V. B., Solar Physics, 174, 291
- Analysis of Electric Current Helicity in Active Regions on the Basis of Vector Magnetograms [136]
Abramenko, V. I., Wang, Tongjiang & Yurchishin, V. B., Solar Physics, 168, 75
- Accumulation of magnetic field energy in an active region due to the alpha-effect [0]
Abramenko, V. I., Yurchishin, V. B. & Wang, T. J., Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 39, 930
- Coordinated diagnoses of flares in AR 7321 on Oct. 27, 1992. [0]
Wang, Tongjiang & Qiu, Jiong, Astrophysics Reports Publications of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory, 29, 37
- Extrapolated vector magnetic field distributions of AR 6659 in June 1991 by boundary element method of constant-α force-free field [6]
Yan, Yihua, Yu, Qing & Wang, Tongjiang, Solar Physics, 159, 115
- Evolution of Vector Magnetic Fields and Vertical Currents and Their Relationship with Solar Flares in AR:5747 [87]
Wang, Tongjiang, Xu, Aoao & Zhang, Hongqi, Solar Physics, 155, 99
- Effect of currents in solar active regions. [0]
Xu, Aoao, Wang, Tongjiang & Tang, Yuhua, Science in China A: Mathematics, 37, 1253
- Vertical current and a 3B/X12 flare in a highly sheared active region (NOAA 6659) on June 9, 1991 [22]
Zhang, Hongqi & Wang, Tongjiang, Solar Physics, 151, 129
- Formation of magnetic shear in an emerging flux region. II. Formation of new electric current system. [0]
Zhang, Hongqi & Wang, Tongjiang, Astrophysics Reports Publications of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory, 25, 57
Last revised on Fri Apr 26 15:15:37 2024