Montana State University

Heliophysics Journal Club

In this seminar, graduate student and faculty participants will review recent journal articles and preprints in order to familiarize themselves with the "state of the art" of the major observational and theoretical research topics of the discipline and the MSU research program. From time to time, "classic" papers of enduring value may be discussed. The typical weekly meeting will consist of a one-hour critical discussion of a journal article, copies of which will have been distributed to, and read by, all participants during the previous week. Each discussion will be informally led by a student or faculty member. Participants will be expected to contribute actively to all discussions, and to lead an occasional one on a rotating basis. When appropriate, these discussions will be replaced by an informal presentation of personal research results by MSU students, faculty, or scientific visitors.


Coordinator: Dana Longcope

Time: Thursdays, 12:00 PM

Place: Barnard Hall 258 (Dayton Conference Room)

Course: PHSX 594-013


Spring 2025

Date Discussion leader Article
January 16 Organizational Meeting
January 23 RoyFrench et al. (2024). X-Ray and Spectral Ultraviolet Observations of Periodic Pulsations in a Solar Flare Fan/Looptop. ApJ.
January 30 CappyAlissandrakis et al. (2023). Explosive Events in the Quiet Sun Near and Beyond the Solar Limb Observed with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Sol. Phys.
February 6 DillonLiou et al. (2024). Solar Energetic Particle and the Heliospheric Current Sheet. ApJ.
February 13 Suman (Meet in Roberts 113)Chen et al. (2024). Investigating explosive events in a 3D quiet-Sun model: Transition region and coronal response. A&A.
February 20 SpencerFaber et al. (2025). High-resolution observational analysis of flare ribbon fine structures. A&A.
February 27 JiongTamburri et al. (2024). The Relationships among Solar Flare Impulsiveness, Energy Release, and Ribbon Development. ApJ.
March 6 DrakeGuo et al. (2024). Data-driven Modeling of a Coronal Magnetic Flux Rope: From Birth to Death. ApJ.
March 13 ArchNakazono et al. (2025). Size-Dependent Surface Charging of Lunar Cavities Exposed to the Solar Wind. JGR.
March 20 Spring Break
March 27 Michael (Meet in Barnard 126)James et al. (2024). How Does the Critical Torus Instability Height Vary with the Solar Cycle? ApJ.
April 3 Chunming
April 10 Dana
April 17 Keiji
April 24 -
May 1 Finals


Link to previously discussed publications

Suggested Articles

Albert et al. (2023). Discovery of Gamma Rays from the Quiescent Sun with HAWC. Phys. Rev. Lett.
Altyntsev et al. (2022). Double peak quasi-periodic pulsations in a circular-ribbon flare. A&A.
Antolin et al. (2024). Decomposing the AIA 304 Ang. Channel into Its Cool and Hot Components. Sol. Phys.
Bale et al. (2021). A Solar Source of Alfvénic Magnetic Field Switchbacks: In Situ Remnants of Magnetic Funnels on Supergranulation Scales. ApJ.
Boldyrev & Horaites (2019). Kinetic theory of the electron strahl in the solar wind. Monthly notices of the Royal Astro. Soc.
Bowerman, W. G. Residential mortgage loans and sun-spot numbers. Popular Astronomy 52, 123 (1944).
Davenport et al. (2019). The Evolutin of Flare Activity with Stellar Age. ApJ.
Einaudi et al. (2021). Energetics and 3D Structure of Elementary Events in Solar Coronal Heating. ApJ.
Escande et al. (2019). Relevant heating of the quiet solar corona by Alfven waves: a result of adiabaticity breakdown. Scientific Reports.
Fuhrmeister et al. (2022). The high energy spectrum of Proxima Centauri simultaneously observed at X-ray and FUV wavelengths. A&A.
Hahn et al. (2022). Evidence for Parametric Decay Instability in the Lower Solar Atmosphere. ApJ.
Hazra & Nandy (2019). The origin of parity changes in the solar cycle. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astro. Soc.
Ishikawa and Tobita (2021). Topological interaction of neutrino with photon in a magnetic field – Electroweak Hall effect. Phys. Open.
Janvier et al. (2023). A multiple spacecraft detection of the 2 April 2022 M-class flare and filament eruption during the first close Solar Orbiter perihelion. A&A.
Jarboe et al, The nature and source of solar magnetic phenomena, Physics of Plasmas (2019).
Jarolim et al. (2023). Probing the solar coronal magnetic field with physics-informed neural networks. Nat. Astron.
Karpen et al. (2024). Solar Eruptions in Nested Magnetic Flux Systems. ApJ.
Kellogg (2022). A Fundamental Instability for the Solar Wind. ApJ.
Kontar et al. (2019). Determination of the Total Accelerated Electron Rate and Power Using Solar Flare Hard X-Ray Spectra. ApJ.
Kontar et al. (2023). The Efficiency of Electron Acceleration during the Impulsive Phase of a Solar Flare. ApJL.
Kou et al. (2022). Microwave imaging of quasi-periodic pulsations at flare current sheet. Nat. Commun.
Kumar et al. (2022). Quasi-periodic Energy Release and Jets at the Base of Solar Coronal Plumes. ApJ.
Li & Feng (2019). Characteristics of solar wind rotation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astro. Soc.
Lindsey et al. (2020). Submerged Sources of Transient Acoustic Emission from Solar Flares. ApJL.
Magg et al. (2022). Observational constraints on the origin of the elements IV. Standard composition of the Sun. A&A.
Palmroth et al. (2023). Magnetotail plasma eruptions driven by magnetic reconnection and kinetic instabilities. Nat. Geosci.
Sadykov et al. (2019). Statistical Study of Chromospheric Evaporation in Impulsive Phase of Solar Flares
Şahin & Antolin (2022). Prevalence of Thermal Nonequilibrium over an Active Region. ApJL.
Sanz-Forcada et al. (2019). Multi-wavelength variability of the young solar analog ɩ Horologii. X-ray cycle, star spots, flares, and UV emission. A&A.
Stenborg et al. (2023). Investigating Coronal Holes and CMEs as Sources of Brightness Depletion Detected in PSP/WISPR Images. ApJ.
Tamburri et al. (2024). The Relationships among Solar Flare Impulsivness, Energy Release, and Ribbon Development. ApJ.
Telikicherla et al. (2024). Investigating the Soft X-Ray Spectra of Solar Flare Onsets. ApJ.
Thiemann et al. (2023). Solar Irradiance Spectra from the Compact SOLSTICE (CSOL) Experiment: Instrument Design, FUV Calibration, Measurements, and Comparison of the 2018 Rocket Flight. Sol. Phys.
Toriumi et al. (2022). Universal Scaling Laws for Solar and Stellar Atmospheric Heating: Catalog of Power-law Index between Solar Activity Proxies and Various Spectral Irradiances. ApJS.
Upendran & Tripathi (2022). On the Formation of Solar Wind and Switchbacks, and Quiet Sun Heating. ApJ.
Xie et al. (2024). Probing turbulence in solar flares from SDO/AIA emission lines. Front. astron. space sci.
Yan et al. (2022). Fast plasmoid-mediated reconnection in a solar flare. Nat. Commun.
Youngblood et al. (2022). Intrinsic Lyα Profiles of High-velocity G, K, and M Dwarfs. ApJ.
Yu et al. (2022). Imaging and Spectroscopic Observations of the Dynamic Processes in Limb Solar Flares. ApJ.
Zhang et al. (2022). Modelling cosmic radiation events in the tree-ring radiocarbon record. Proc. R. Soc. A.

Links to Journals

Bibliographic Links

If you have any comments, please contact