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Spearman Rank Order Correlation Sigmoid and Filament Comparison
Where We Go From Here  We are currently in year 2 of a 3 year proposal. This summer we concentrated on building tools to help us analyze the magnetic fields of progenitors. The next step is to run events with known progenitors through the magnetic field extrapolation and compare their field structres with that of the global magnetic field and see if they have any correlation with the corresponding magnetic flux ropes at 1 AU. Also, we would like to determine the sources of more clouds, so as to increase the number of events in our averages. This will allow us to ensure that the structure we see in plots of the averages of the compositional elements is not just an averaging effect. Also, we will run these events through a cloud fitting program that will allow us to see how the densities, velocities, temperatures and ratios change as a function of radius of the flux rope. This will be a difficult process, since it requires the cloud to have a coherent magnetic structure. |