            The program was written in IDL to build up a data base of statistics of active regions, in particular to calculate the total current at an active region. Here is a description of how the program works and how the program should be used.

Find JZ Window

When the program is first run a window with FIND_JZ in the title bar will appear. At the top of the window there are four buttons.

HELP:   This will bring up a file which explains what each button does.

QUIT:    No prizes for guessing what this does!

DATA:  This lists all available magnetograms in the local directory, Fig.D1. When one is selected an intensity line of sight image of the magnetogram is displayed, Fig.D2.  This displays a number of features including contours and vector fields. The contours are calculated from the longitudinal magnetic field (B_LONG) which is Image 1 in the magnetogram FITS file.

Fig.D1 List of input files

The red contours represent positive magnetic region and the blue negative. The contours are labeled in Gauss. The legend displays this color coordination, contour sizes and pixel size of the magnetogram.  Each individual pixel also has its amplitude defined by the transverse component of the magnetic field B (B_TRANS) and the azimuth of the transverse component of B (B_AZIM), which appears as small black and white lines.

Find_jz Window
Fig.D2    FIND_JZ window

CONTOUR:   This button will only work if a magnetogram has first been selected using the DATA button. The contour button will bring up a white light image of the magnetogram and also a Region of Interest control box, Fig. C2. This control box is self explanatory and is used to manually draw around the penumbra of the active region, see Fig. C1. When a region has been selected click on the Done button in the Region of Interest control box.

White light image
Fig. C1 White light image of active region (AR) [left], white light image of active region with manual contour drawn around penumbra of AR  [right]

Region of Interest control box
Fig. C2 Region of Interest control box. The 'Position' shows the pixel coordinates of the image.

Noise Levels

The program uses this defined manual region to calculate the noise levels on the transverse and longitudinal magnetic fields, using all pixels outside the this region. A histogram is plotted for each field with a best fit Gaussian curve. The calculated noise level is also displayed in Gauss, Fig. H1

There are three option in the window:
ACCEPT:                         agree that the best fit Gaussian curve is a fair representation of the data and proceeded with calculations accepting the displayed noise levels.

REJECT:                          the best fit Gaussian does not represent the data fairly so continue with calculations taking the sigma values of the Gaussian best fit curves to be zero, i.e. proceed with zero noise, (sigma = 0)

REDRAW REGION:    manually redraw the region(s) of interest ot see if a better Gaussian fit can be obtained, i.e. return to figures Fig. C1 and Fig. C2.

Noise Histogram
Fig. H1 Noise calculated based on manually selected region of interest. Calculated noise value in Gauss and best fit Gaussian curve are also shown.

Leading Polarity

               Upon accepting or rejecting the Gaussian fit, one must next define the leading polarity of the active region. Active regions or sun spots usually appear in pairs of positive and negative field known as a dipole. By observing the original line of sight image, (as in Fig. D2) the  leading polarity of a typical active region is defined as the polarity of the field to the right, as the active region moves from left to right across the sun, from the earths point of view. The example shown in Fig. LP1 has a positive leading polarity where as the active region in Fig. D2 would have a negative leading polarity, just. Usually the 2 fields of the active region are distributed more horizontally than that in Fig.D2, making the leading polarity easier to identify. The terms leading and following polarity apply to a given sunspot cycle and hemisphere, for a 'usual' active region like that in Fig. LP1. In exceptional regions, such as shown in Fig. D2, the leading polarity may actually appear to the left of the following polarity.

Fig. LP1 Active region JZ-7220 which has a positive (red) leading polarity.


            Next the eruptivity of the region must be defined, i.e. did the active region erupt or is it not known. This can be determined by checking through the file AR_with_MAG found in the local directory. This is a list of all active regions for which there is information on their eruptivity and whose magnetograms are available. Simply choose;  Eruptive, Non eruptive or Unknown.

Distance Between Fields of Opposite Polarity

            Next the length between the two fields of opposite polarity in the active region is calculated. The program does this as follows. First it calculates a threshold value based on the Gaussian sigma fit parameters. The threshold is given by twice the square root of the sum of the squares of the sigma parameter as calculated in the transverse and longitudinal magnetic flux fits. If the Gaussian fit was previously rejected a default threshold of 300 Gauss is used. This threshold contour is plotted around the positive and negative regions of interest, a green contour around the positive and a purple around the negative. The threshold value is also placed next to the contour. Every point inside these threshold contours are used to calculate effectively the center of 'mass' of that region.

            A white line joins the center of masses, (which appear as yellow diamonds), of each region. It is the magnetic longitudinal field, B_LONG which is used as the weight (mass) in this center of mass calculation. It is  this line which joins the center of mass of the positive and negative region that is defined as the distance between the two regions. This distance calculated in arc seconds is displayed beside the line in white. The user must either accept or reject this length. Accept the length if it looks consistent with its surroundings, bearing in mind that it is not the center of mass of the intensity white light image but that of B_LONG. Saturated or spoiled data may cause problems in the calculation of the center of masses. Data can become spoiled if a cloud passes in front of the telescope during a scan. This is why the program uses a visual representation so the user can accept or reject the calculation. If the length calculation is rejected the length is given the value zero.

            If the data is spoiled in some way what more frequently happens is that the program will 'crash' before this distance line is drawn. This is because the maximum or minimum value in the image will not be in the region of interest, but contained with in the spoiled data. This causes problems in the function which draws the threshold contours. If the program does crash or halt before its end, the user must exit their IDL session and restart it. This is to prevent plotting problems, see Troubleshooting.

Length of Active Region
Fig. L1 Length of active region defined between the two threshold contours of 164 Gauss in this case

Earth and Solar Angles

            Once the distance between the two center of masses of the positive and negative regions has been calculated, the line joining the two centers is used to calculate the Earth angle, which is the tilt angle in Earth coordinates and the solar angle, which is the tilt angle in solar coordinates. The tilt angle is the angle the line makes to the x-axis. As the magnetograms are recorded in Earth coordinates by the Stokes polarimeter in Hawaii, the Earth angle 'T' can be calculated from simple geometry as illustrated in Fig. A1.

Fig. A1 The tilt angle is measured anti clockwise from the x-axis

The solar angle is slightly more complicated. The solar angle is the angle of this distance line in solar coordinates. As the orientation of the Earth's and sun's poles are constantly changing due to the rotation of the Earth there is a correction angle known as the 'position angle', PA, which must be accounted for, (-23.5 > PA < 23.5 degrees). The position angle is dependent  on the date and time at which the magnetogram was taken, i.e. the angle between the Earth's and the sun's poles at that moment in history. Once this angle has been determined the solar angle can be calculated from :

Solar Angle = Earth Angle - Position Angle


            When finished all calculations the program then saves relevant calculations to the local file find_jz.list. The output of the program is as follows:

Magnetogram No.    Active Region No.    Leading Polarity    Eruptivity
Net JZ0    Total JZ0    Net BZ0    Total BZ0    No. Pixels0    Net JZ300    Total JZ300    Net BZ300    Total BZ300    No. Pixels300    Net JZ150_75    Total JZ150_75    Net BZ150 _75   Total BZ150_75    No. Pixels150_75    Net JZ2sigma    Total JZ2sigma    Net BZ2sigma    Total BZ2sigma    No. Pixels2sigma    SigmaT    SigmaL    Pixel Size    L    AngE    AngS

Net JZ0                -    net current within manually defined region of interest using all pixels with this region in the calculation. [miliamps per meter squared]

Total JZ0             -    total current within manually defined region of interest using all pixels with this region in the calculation. [miliamps per meter squared]

Net BZ0               -    net magnetic field within manually defined region of interest using all pixels with this region in the calculation. [Gauss]

Total BZ0            -    total magnetic field within manually defined region of interest using all pixels with this region in the calculation. [Gauss]

No. Pixels            -    number of pixels within manually defined region of interest. [scalar]

Net JZ300           -    net current within manually defined region of interest discarding those with transverse magnetic field above 300 Gauss [miliamps per meter squared]


Net JZ150_75   -    net current within manually defined region of interest using only those pixels who have a magnetic transverse field above 150 G and a longitudinal field above 75 G. [miliamps per meter squared]


Net JZ2sigma    -    net current within manually defined region of interest using only pixels greater than 2 SigmaT in the transverse magnetic field and greater than 2 SigmaL in the longitudinal magnetic field. [milliamps per meter squared]


SigmaT                -    sigma parameter from transverse magnetic flux Gaussian noise fit. [scalar]

SigmaL                -    sigma parameter from longitudinal magnetic flux Gaussian noise fit. [scalar]

L                            -    distance between center of positive and negative fields in active region of interest. [arc seconds]

AngE                    -    Earth angle i.e. the angle the line L makes to the x-axis in Earth coordinates. [degrees]

AngS                    -    solar angle, i.e. the angle the line L makes in solar coordinates. [degrees]


Superimposed Noise Level Plots
            If you use spoiled magnetograms the distance line between the opposite polarity fields of the active region will usually not be drawn. This is because errors occur in the calculation of the threshold region due to the spoiled pixels. The program will halt and not reach the end, preventing the plotting axis and scale of the histogram noise plot from being redefined, as this task needs to be done at the end of the program. So what?, well as a result the next time you run the program both histograms will be plotted on the same axis, i.e. they will by superimposed instead of being displayed as subplots. This does not effect the calculations but makes it difficult to resolve each histogram. To fix this exit IDL and then restart it.
(NOTE:    just exiting the program and running it again will not work. You must exit your IDL session)

Adding New Magnetograms

            One way to add magnetograms to the list of available magnetograms is as follows:

The DATA button in the original FIND_JZ window displays a list of magnetograms as listed in the file jz_names. To illustrate the procedure of adding new magnetograms it is best to follow an example.

            Say the user wants to add all magnetograms that are available on the magnetogram CD for the active region 7220. There are 9 in all. First the file names must be added to the jz_names list. These should be written in the format ' JZ_7220/J920706.2212 '. Fig. AM1 illustrates the significance of this ordering.

file layout
Fig. AM1 Significance of file name

Enter all 9 files in this format into the file jz_names. On the CD magnetograms are stored in folders named after their active region number. Now simply copy the folder JZ_7220 from CD to the local directory. The next time you select the DATA button on the FIND_JZ window, these new magnetograms will be available. For example say someone selects JZ_7220/J920706.2212 from the DATA list, the program searches the local directory for the folder JZ_7220 and then for the file J920706.2212 and displays it as an intensity white light image with contours etc. similar to Fig. D2.

Future Study