Remarkably I have graduated and moved on. I will leave this page up for a
while just as a reminder and because it has some neat stuff on it. I am now
at Boston University Center for Space Physics where I am the Instrument
Suite Scientist for the RBSP-ECT instrument suite.
New homepage
(5 July 2007)
Brian A. Larsen
Graduate Student
Magnetospheric Physics
Montana State University
(406) 994-7321 Office (x7321)
(406) 994-7383 Lab (x7383)
(406) 994-4452 Fax
KD7NMW on 2m or 70cm
My research is really divided into two parts
- Space hardware
- 1Kg Cubesat class nanosatellite
- Maia
- 30Kg University Nanosat program microsatellite
- Magnetospheric Physics Data Analysis (IMAGE)
(Montana EaRth Orbiting Pico-Explorer) as a part of the SSEL (Space
Science & Engineering Lab)
MEROPE is the first project undertaken by the SSEL and it's really fun
be a part of this lab in its infancy.
I work on the on-board
computer subsystem (firmware) of the satellite, this has
turned out to
be a whole lot of
work but as in all computer stuff its really exciting to see it work in
the end.
For those on the MEROPE project (or real nerds not on the project;) here
is the full HC812A4
spec book.
I also maintain a HC12
microcontroller reference page.
1. Maia,
(Amazingly not an acronym)
Montana State University Maia University Nanosatellite Project will
characterize magnetospheric energetic charged particle
variations near Earth using new state-of-the-art solid state particle
detectors.It will
demonstrate operation
of a novel
on-orbit deployment system and the use of
newly-developed miniature hybrid magnetoresistive magnetometers for
attitude control.
On this mission I am the Program Manager and Engineering Manager.
This is a heck of a challenge to keep the project moving with a
mostly undergrad workforce, and while trying to finish my thesis.
Other project that SSEL is involved in can be found at the SSEL homepage.
2. Magnetospheric Physics, my thesis is about statistical
studies of the plasmasphere and its dynamics. Data for this study
is largely from the EUV
on the IMAGE mission. Ask me if you want to know more.
Some of the images are really interesting (and pretty) so I'll post a
(in no particular polished form)
Other professional
I manage SSEL's Sun
server for
use as a web
server, email
list platform, software development, and data analysis station.
I also try to be an active member of the Solar Physics
group as well
since without the sun magnetospheric physics would be pretty boring.
Coding etc
I have built a small code library, some of which is HERE some of it is useful others
IDL Solar Soft is a mixed blessing. I have compiled
a list of ones
that I use fairly often listed
here since
I get tired of looking elsewhere.
This is my third year of graduate school and so far so good.
My hobbies include climbing (mostly rock), road cycling, mt biking,
bicycle trials (stock and mod class). Sorry that there is so
little here but I find that it is more fun to climb,
bike, and fish than talk about them on web pages :)
But I do have some pictures.
And Just for kicks a link to Karla's swimming club, Bozeman Masters
Ham radio
I am just getting started in HAM
radio and
have put together a small page here.
RC Planes
I have also begun flying RC planes, these are really fun, I have a blog
it as well.
Last edited Feb 16 2006