RHESSI Nuggets in March and April 2023

Hugh Hudson Hugh.Hudson at glasgow.ac.uk
Mon May 1 06:56:04 MDT 2023


No. 446, “A Glasgow geomagnetic observation of a solar flare”, by Hugh HUDSON, John MALONE-LEIGH, Graham WOAN, and Chris OSBORNE. Applying a multi-messenger tool first seen in 1859, the geomagnetic “crochet”.

No. 447, “RHESSI’s Rhe-entry," by Pascal SAINT-HILAIRE, Albert SHIH, and Hugh HUDSON. RHESSI’s final demise in the Sahara Desert. 

No. 448, “Diagnostics of Spatially-Extended Turbulent Acceleration and Transport,” by Morgan STORES. Drilling down into the detailed structure of solar-flare energy release by including turbulence with particle acceleration.

No. 449, “Did a Solar Flare Accelerate all the Ambient Electrons in the Coronal Acceleration Region?” by Gordon EMSLIE, Eduard KONTAR, Galina MOTORINA, and Brian DENNIS. Considering SOL2017-09-10, probably not.

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