July 1
I continued doing the same thing
today as yesterday, looking at months prior. In some of them I used
points without lines connecting them. This is because there are some
points within the coronal holes that make it harder to see what is
going on. I kept the December 10 map to show this.




June 30
I continued with the technique
that I was using yesterday. I went back a few rotations of the sun to
see what it looked liked. Below are a small sampling of the graphs that
I made. These are the ones I found that best show what I've been
looking at.



June 29
I tried to fix the problem from
yesterday but I was still unable to make significant progress so I
moved on. I continued to look at the area that I found last Friday
where the coronal hole matched up with with the open magnetic
field and persisted for a full rotation of the sun. Since it persisted
for one rotation I decided to keep looking and see how long it
persists. I had to change the way that I was creating the open magnetic
field data, though. Since the interesting parts are at 360 longitude I
shefted the map in order to better see what was going on. The problem
with that is that the way the open magnetic field program creates the
field lines the data from 0 degrees longitude is about a month older
than the data at 360 degrees. The way I was getting the harmonic
coefficients used to calculate this didn't allow me to adjust for this.
If I want to center my data around that point then I have to get it
from The Wilcox Solar Observatory
website and change the ranges. I then redid one of the maps from last
week using this new technique.

June 28
Today I worked on trying to fix
a problem within the code that caused it stop working when certain
files were used. I found that the problem started when some of the
solar software programs would call in a program call mreadfits_fixup.
It turned out that some of the images were 1024 x 1024 and others are
512 x 512. If images of different sizes are called in at the same time
then it will rebin the images so they are all the smaller size. I was
able to fix the program so that it would work with that situation. I
thought that was my only problem but it wasn't. Sometimes the program
tells me that there are no coronal holes when I can see from times
before and after that there are coronal holes. I was unable to fix this
problem today.