Program List

Programs used for calculating the density of nulls

Program to obtain spectral power densities (
Program to evaluate g(z) (
Program to create an array for the density of nulls (
Function used to obtain dimensionless G for given c and zeta (

Programs used for calculating the corrected density of nulls

Function used to obtain cutoff values for the determinant of Mo for given q, sigma and alfven wave frequency (
Function used to obtain corrected dimensionless G for a given cutoff, c and zeta (
Function used to obtain a volume density of null points given dimensionless G and q (
Program used to obtain cutoffs and dimensionless G(z) for a range of frequencies of alfven wave (
Program used to obtain corrected density of nulls, column density of nulls and primary heating spectrum
Program used to plot rainbows of various functions as they vary with frequency (
Program used to construct gdet for given variables and see what it looks like (

Here is a brief note for all the programs that got left by the wayside. Many didn't make it. Many became obsolete. Many were just terrible. May they rest in peace