Week 10

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Wrapping Up

The final presentation for the REU was on Wednesday. Prior to the presentation, I worked on refining my codes for the magnetic flux plots, adding the keywords BROKEN_AXIS and TOTAL_FLUX to create plots that displayed the data better (BROKEN_AXIS) and allowed two different wavelengths of flux to be summed together (TOTAL_FLUX). Summing the fluxes was not entirely trivial as the different wavelengths of data had different cadences across the same time span. My code takes anything within 35 seconds to be the same time, and adds those values. I also worked on the ZOOM keyword from week 9 to better compare interconnecting flux in different wavelengths with the quadrupole model.

I performed the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test to see whether case 1 and case 2 diameters/durations were from different underlying populations. After the final presentation, I worked on creating a technical report to describe my programs and the work I did this summer. This document is now included on my homepage. I had an unforgettable experience at MSU this summer. I hope this website has been an informative look at my work this summer; please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

This flowchart displays the process of downloading SDO data and using my programs to analyze that data.
The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test for case 1 and case 2 as well as 171 angstrom data and 211 angstrom data. From these results, it appears that only case 1 diameters between 171 and 211 angstroms are not a part of the same population.
A plot of case 1 magnetic fluxes for the quadrupole model, 211 angstrom data, and 171 angstrom data. This plot uses the BROKEN_AXIS keyword I created. As well as breaking the axis at the maximum negative flux and resuming at the minimum positive flux, this keyword sizes the positive and negative parts of the plot based on the amount of flux they span. For this case, the negative portion of the graph spanned a larger range of flux, so it is slightly taller than the positive portion.
This plot shows a zoomed in portion of the broken axis plot as well as the combined flux between 171 and 211 angstrom data (black line). The quadrupole model and the two wavelengths trend very similarly when seen in a zoomed view.