Week 2

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Retrieving Data for Jan. 20, 2011

This week, I dove into real data to begin analyzing the first two cases involving an emerging active region in the vicinity of an existing active region. The data I'm looking at for this project is in the 211 angstrom band (at 2 million Kelvin). Downloading and prepping the data was a relatively tedious ordeal mainly due to the time spent waiting (waiting for my order request on the Lockheed Martin website to be filled, waiting for the data to download into my directory on the helios server, and more waiting in order to prep the data using read_sdo). Marika showed me programs to create stack plots and identify coronal loops, and I closed out the week by making a movie of the data in the 211 wavelength for case 1, shown below.

Emerging active region 1149 below existing active region 1147 in 211 angstrom band.