The Guild's Deck Archives!

Decks are in easy to use NetMETW Format

Decks from the Montana Inaugural Tourney, January 10, 1998

1st Place Deck Played by Tye Allum

2nd Place Deck Played by Charlie Sandborgh

Other Good Decks

One Ring deck from Michael Lehmann -

Big Ringwraith Deck from Sean Sandborgh -

No Rares METW Deck from Sean Sandborgh (great for new players!) -

Decks not yet in NetMECCG format...bear with me...I'll get to it...

Cooch's Fallen-Radagast Deck!

Lloyd Alomarde's Balanced Deck! -

Flane's StrategiCon Deck! -

Want to add your best deck to the list??? Send them to

Please have them in NetMETW format with your name, email, and a short explanation of how the deck works.

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