Processing the data (SoHO)

    A. first the .fits files are calibrated so dark current and cosmic ray spikes are removed from the data set

            1. a set of .ana files is generated in order to analyze the spectra (there is 1 .ana file for each waveband from the spectometer)

    B.   .map file is made
             1. the .map file is read into a program (WICA) to display the data in the form of a pixel map

             2. pixels are choosen along the loop

  wica color image      
   more wica images

             3. once the correct pixels and hatches are selected it is time to analyze the each selected  pixel in all 13 wavebands
            a. hatches are goups of pixels with the same x value that span the loop

    C. a program called fitline,x,y is used to determine the spectral line intensities  for the selected pixels

fitline example  
        1. each selected pixel is run through each of the 13 .ana files
            a.  for each of the wavebands a peak wavelength , peak intensity , Full width half mass, total intensity and uncertainty are  
for each ion  
             b. this data is then saved into a file containing, in the end, this information for each wavelength  or ion

the resulting data set looks like this:

    ion(wavelength)      observed         total intensity             % error  
     Si XII(520.665)       520.812       636.08200000        10.79713100
      O IV(554.513)       554.568         99.47880000         5.37056570
   Fe XVI(360.761)      360.737      3278.85000000        21.14618700
     Mg IX(368.070)      368.060        636.56500000         9.94645060
      Mg X(624.941)      625.025        458.81900000         8.97660300
        O V(629.732)      629.844         224.48000000         6.89293910
     Ne VI(562.803)      562.952         107.80500000         5.03164290
       Fe X(345.723)      345.742           40.58470000         3.79447710
      Si IX(345.124)      345.052            57.09360000         5.36203050
   Fe XIII(348.183)      348.162           77.74250000         6.06145260
       Si X(347.403)      347.410            53.76150000         4.67036480
       He I(584.334)      584.343            80.18290000         4.29280600
  Fe XIV(353.831)      353.843             8.65570000         1.15724750
       Si X(356.012)      356.026          191.96500000         8.22727350
      O III(599.597)      599.555             7.72323000         1.83300370

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