Processing the Data (TRACE)


      A. first all the  raw data is read in using ssw and read_trace
     B. then  subsets are selected using a widget interface which allows the user to select a specific time  
          range, image size, and waveband
                    - the output is all data that has the specifications selected in the interface (trace_where)

             1. the subsets are data sets that contian a time that coresponds with the SoHO data
                a.  image size (1024x1024) and waveband (171 A) are also selected using the inerface

    C. after the subsets are selected the data is read in - output is an index and data

    D. this final  index and data  set is then calibrated using trace_prep
           1. trace_prep subtracts the dark current, removes radiation spikes,fills 0=value pixels, and
               outputs a corrected data cube

        E.  image maps are also made of the trace data using index2map

1. this outputs a .map which can be viewed using plot_map or wica for comparison with the
              SoHO images

TRACE movie

processing SoHO  |    start   |    analyzing the data