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AA - Additional Activities (5-8)

Taking the Measure of the Universe

In this activity students will learn how planets orbiting other stars are detected. Students will also learn through various activities how distances can measured accurately from very far away.


This is a comprehensive (174 pages in total) introduction to gravity with a myriad of exercises analyzing gravity.

Rockets Guide

This is a similarly comprehensive guide to Rocketry (132 pages in total) including an extensive history of rocket technology and a multitude of exercises based around rocket science.

Solar System Puzzle Kit

A detailed disquisition about the solar system focused around an activity involving the construction of a cube with faces that display the solar system.

Space Food and Nutrition

A discourse on the nutritional science of the food used in space, including a range of exercises based around the preparation, classification, and serving of space food.

Space Shuttle Glider

A brief introduction to the space shuttle followed by a detailed exercise in which students construct a paper glided modeled after the space shuttle.

X Glider

A short history of the X-1 Flight Research Program supplemented with an activity in which students create a paper glider designed to mimic the X-1 rocker-powered research aircraft. Students will also learn some basic aeronautics through manipulation of the glider's structure.

Radiation Hazards in Space

Students will learn about the types and hazards of radiation in space and how it affects space travel, via a board game.

Space Exploration Crossword Puzzle

A space exploration themed crossword puzzle.
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