In week one I toured the campus, met my fellow research group members, met with Dr. Zhu, and attended the python and IDL workshops on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I got acclimated to using the solar physics group server, accessing python environments and IDL from linux systems. In week two, I attended two lectures from Dr. Lohfink on the makeup of the sun and the hydrostatic equilibrium process. It was a good refresher!
For my project, I read up on coronal mass ejections and solar flares in the Encyclopedia of the Sun textbook and read Dr. Zhu's and Dr. Qiu's previous paper on the subject, linked here. I also worked on mapping and animating images from the solar flare events on August 7, 2010, June 21, 2011, and October 1, 2011. The software was new to me and the learning curve was a bit steep, but overall the process was interesting and I learned a lot!
Some example images of the events are displayed below.
My week 2 presentation can be found below!