The Film Festival room is literally a festival of films, solar films that is.
We have collected many exciting solar movies below. If you have time,
we encourage you to view them
all! If you are not sure your computer can view movies, visit our
Movie Test Page before you get started.
Solar Flares Observed by Yohkoh
These Yohkoh movie segments show a few of the many solar flares
observed during the Yohkoh mission. Although flares share many
characteristics, you will notice how different each flare appears.
Wavelength Fade
MPEG; NFrames: 100 (256x256) Movie
Size: 129.15 KB

This movie takes you on a journey through the layers of the Sun's
atmosphere. It begins with a white light image of the photosphere, fades into a red light
image which shows the chromosphere and ends with an X-ray
image of the outermost layer, the corona. The images in this movie were all
taken on the same day and demonstrate the connection between features seen
in the different atmospheric layers.
Sun Diver (Solar Fly-By)
MPEG; NFrames: 1600 (128x128) Movie Size: 670.52 KB

This movie takes you on a close up fly-by of the Sun. Dive into the solar
atmosphere and watch new erupting features rotate into view. Follow an
active region as it makes its journey across the solar disk.
Solar Eclipse of 24-October-1995
MPEG; NFrames: 32 (256x256) Movie Size: 177.62 KB
Watch the moon pass in front of the Sun as seen from the perspective of
the Yohkoh spacecraft.
Comparison of X-Ray to White Light
MPEG; NFrames: 56 Movie Size: 225.47 KB
Simultaneous images in X-ray and white light show the correlation between
coronal active regions and
photospheric sunspots, both
locations of intense magnetic concentration.