The Amazon Rain Forest Amazon rain forest
A place of endless jungle...

Our first stop in this trip is the Amazon rainforest: A place of endless jungle.  This is the least populated and least developed region of Colombia.  There are no roads, railroads or electricity cables connecting it with the rest of the country and almost all the movement is done by airplane or boats on the rivers; it is a region made of vast extensions of jungle, dotted with a few settlements.  This is the only region in Colombia where we can find native Colombians in almost perfect isolation and because of this, their way of living has remained unchanged for centuries.  

The music that you can find in this region is a music that speaks of times past, of times where the sole inhabitants of Colombia were the natives.  In the samples I chose, you can hear simple melodic patterns repeated again and again, and in one of them you can hear one of the instruments that greatly represents the contribution of the native Colombians to Colombian music:  The flute.

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