1. RETIREMENT OF PROF. RICHARD CANFIELD 2. E-PRINTS POSTED IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS 3. FROM THE EDITOR =====================================================================
1. RETIREMENT OF PROF. RICHARD CANFIELD ---------------------------------------
Professor Canfield, the founder and leader of the Max Millenium program, is retiring from his leadership role in this program. For the past twenty years, with unsurpassable wisdom, enthusiasm, and dedication, Dick has curated the program to serve and connect the solar physics community, and this is just one example in his acclaimed career that has significantly driven forward the field of solar flare physics. Dick has nurtured generations of solar physicists. He has led the team of the Max Millenium Chief Observers (MMCOs), an instrumental component of the MM program exemplar of Dick's leadership in international partnership. The members of the MM program cherish those touching moments with Dick, who has not only supervised them through the MM program, but has truly inspired and guided them in their career. With the spirit Dick has instilled, the MM team will carry along with the MM progam into Solar Cycle 25.
In the next phase of the MM program, Jiong Qiu and Keiji Yoshimura at Montana State University will coordinate with the MMCO team, and maintain and improve the program functioning at MSU to continue to provide service to the community. Keiji Yoshimura is taking over the duty as the MM moderator. Please contact me for comments or questions on our current services:
- Message of the Day (MOTDs), - Solar Physics E-Print Archive, - Max Millennium News, - MMscience, and - RHESSI_Data_Analysis
We appreciate your contiuous support of our progam, and please share with us your thoughts on this program.
Keiji Yoshimura, on behalf of the Max Millenium team.
2. E-PRINTS POSTED IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS ----------------------------------------
Three-dimensional Density Structure of a Solar Coronal Streamer Observed by SOHO/LASCO and STEREO/COR2 in Quadrature -- Bieke Decraemer, Andrei N. Zhukov, and Tom Van Doorsselaere
Modelling Mg II During Solar Flares, I: Partial Frequency Redistribution, Opacity, and Coronal Irradiation -- Graham S. Kerr, Joel C. Allred & Mats Carlsson
The Birth of a Jet-driven Twin CME and Its Deflection from Remote Magnetic Fields -- Yadan Duan; Yuandeng Shen; Hechao Chen; Hongfei Liang
On the Origin of Solar Torsional Oscillations and Extended Solar Cycle -- Pipin, V. V.; Kosovichev, A. G.
What Sets the Magnetic Field Strength and Cycle Period in Solar-type Stars? -- Guerrero, G.; Zaire, B.; Smolarkiewicz, P. K.; de Gouveia Dal Pino, E. M.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Mansour, N. N.
Stereoscopic Observations of an Erupting Mini-filament Driven Two-Sided-Loop Jet and the Applications for Diagnosing Filament Magnetic field -- Yuandeng Shen; Zhining Qu; Ding Yuan; Huadong Chen; Yadan Duan; Chengrui Zhou; Zehao Tang; Jin Huang; Yu Liu
Dynamic Processes of the Moreton Wave on 2014 March 29 -- Denis P. Cabezas, Ayumi Asai, Kiyoshi Ichimoto, Takahito Sakaue, Satoru UeNo, Jose K. Ishitsuka, and Kazunari Shibata
3. FROM THE EDITOR ------------------
The Max Millennium program exists to enhance all aspects of solar flare research. If you have news that is of broad interest to that community, feel free to send your message to the MMScience e-mail list: Address questions to keiji.yoshimura at