1. E-PRINTS POSTED IN THE PAST WEEK 2. FROM THE EDITOR =====================================================================
1. E-PRINTS POSTED IN THE PAST WEEK -----------------------------------
The Specific Acceleration Rate in Loop-structured Solar Flares -- Implications for Electron Acceleration Models -- Jingnan Guo, A. Gordon Emslie, Michele Piana
Plasmoid Ejections and Loop Contractions in an Eruptive M7.7 Solar Flare: Evidence of Particle Acceleration and Heating in Magnetic Reconnection Outflows -- Wei Liu, Qingrong Chen, Vahe' Petrosian
The Thermal Properties of Solar Flares over Three Solar Cycles Using GOES X-Ray Observations -- Ryan, Daniel F.; Milligan, Ryan O.; Gallagher, Peter T.; Dennis, Brian R.; Tolbert, A. Kim; Schwartz, Richard A.; Young, C. Alex
Connecting the Sun's High-Resolution Magnetic Carpet to the Turbulent Heliosphere -- S. R. Cranmer, A. A. van Ballegooijen, L. N. Woolsey
Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections by Sunspot Rotation -- Torok, T., Temmer, M., Valori, G., Veronig, A. M., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L., Vrsnak, B.
Coronal Mass Ejections Associated with Slow Long Duration Flares -- U. Bak-Steslicka, S. Kolomanski, T. Mrozek
Statistical seismology of transverse waves in the solar corona -- Verwichte, E., Van Doorsselaere, T., White, R.S. & Antolin, P.
2. FROM THE EDITOR ------------------
The Max Millennium program exists to enhance all aspects of solar flare research. If you have news that is of broad interest to that community, feel free to send your message to the MMScience e-mail list: Address questions to canfield at