1. E-PRINTS POSTED IN THE PAST WEEK 2. FROM THE EDITOR =====================================================================
1. E-PRINTS POSTED IN THE PAST WEEK ===================================
Magnetic Helicity from Multipolar Regions on the Solar Surface -- Philippe-A. Bourdin, Axel Brandenburg
The width distribution of solar coronal loops and strands - Are we hitting rock bottom ? -- Aschwanden,M.J., Peter,H.
Exoplanet predictions based on harmonic orbit resonances -- Aschwanden,M.J. and Scholkmann,F.
Order out of randomness: Self-organization processes in astrophysics -- Aschwanden,M.J., Scholkmann,F., Bethune,W., Schmutz,W., Abramenko,W., Cheung,M.C.M., Mueller,D., Benz,A.O., Chernov,G., Kritsuk,A.G., Scargle,J.D., Melatos,A., Wagoner,R.V., Trimble,V., Green,W.
Convection-driven generation of ubiquitous coronal waves -- Aschwanden,M.J., Gosic,M., Hurlburt,N.E., and Scullion,E.
The minimum energy principle applied to Parker's coronal braiding and nanoflaring scenario -- Aschwanden, M.J. and van Ballegooijen,A.A.
Self-organizing systems in planetary physics: Harmonic resonances of planet and moon orbits -- Aschwanden, M.J.
Global energetics of solar flares: VIII. The Low-Energy Cutoff -- Aschwanden, M.J., Kontar, E.P., and Jeffrey, N.L.S.
Global Energetics of Solar Flares: VII. Aerodynamic Drag in Coronal Mass Ejections -- Aschwanden, M.J. and Gopalswamy, N.
Self-organized criticality in solar and stellar flares: Are extreme events scale-free ? -- Markus J. Aschwanden
2. FROM THE EDITOR ==================
The Max Millennium program exists to enhance all aspects of solar activity research. If you have news that is of broad interest to that community, feel free to send your message to the MMScience e-mail list: Address questions to canfield at