1. E-PRINTS POSTED IN THE PAST WEEK 2. FROM THE EDITOR =====================================================================
1. E-PRINTS POSTED IN THE PAST WEEK -----------------------------------
Modeling Magnetic Field Structure of a Solar Active Region Corona using Nonlinear Force-Free Fields in Spherical Geometry -- Y. Guo, M. D. Ding, Y. Liu, X. D. Sun, M. L. DeRosa, T. Wiegelmann
Emerging dimmings of active regions observed by SDO -- Jun Zhang, Shuhong Yang, Yang Liu, Xudong Sun
Magnetic Topology of Quiescent Prominence Bubbles -- Dudik J., Aulanier G., Schmieder B., Zapior M., Heinzel P.
SDO/AIA Observations of Large-Amplitude Longitudinal Oscillations in a Solar Filament -- Ting Li and Jun Zhang
Solar Flares and Energetic Particles -- N. Vilmer
The Morphologic Properties of Magnetic networks over the Solar Cycle 23 -- Chong Huang, Yihua Yan, Yin Zhang, Baolin Tan and Gang Li
On the Relationship Between Coronal Magnetic Decay Index and CME Speed -- Yan Xu, Chang Liu, Ju Jing, & Haimin Wang
Resolving the Azimuthal Ambiguity in Vector Magnetogram Data with the Divergence-Free Condition: the Effects of Noise and Limited Spatial Resolution -- Ashley D. Crouch
Least-Squares Fitting Methods for Estimating the Winding Rate in Twisted Magnetic-Flux Tubes -- Ashley D. Crouch
2. FROM THE EDITOR ------------------
The Max Millennium program exists to enhance all aspects of solar flare research. If you have news that is of broad interest to that community, feel free to send your message to the MMScience e-mail list: Address questions to canfield at