1. E-PRINTS POSTED IN THE PAST WEEK 2. RECENT RHESSI DATA ANALYSIS PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS 3. FROM THE EDITOR =====================================================================
1. E-PRINTS POSTED IN THE PAST WEEK -----------------------------------
Relation between the 3D-geometry of the coronal wave and associated CME during the 26 April 2008 event -- M. Temmer, A.M. Veronig, N. Gopalswamy, S. Yashiro
Solar Corona Loop Studies with AIA: I. Cross-Sectional Temperature Structure -- Markus J. Aschwanden and Paul Boerner
Slow Magnetoacoustic Waves in Two-Ribbon Flares -- Nakariakov, V.M., Zimovets, I.V.
On the nature of spectral line broadening in solar coronal dimmings -- Dolla, L. R. and Zhukov, A. N.
The Subsurface-shear-shaped Solar Alpha-Omega Dynamo -- V.V. Pipin and A.G. Kosovichev
Local Helioseismology of Sunspots: Current Status and Perspectives (Invited Review) -- A.G. Kosovichev
Analysis of SOHO/MDI and TRACE Observations of Sunspot Torsional Oscillation in AR10421 -- O.S. Gopasyuk and A.G. Kosovichev
First Sunquake of Solar Cycle 24 Observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory -- A.G. Kosovichev
Investigation of a Sunspot Complex by Helioseismology -- A. G. Kosovichev and T.L. Duvall, Jr
2. RECENT RHESSI DATA ANALYSIS PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS ---------------------------------------------------
Do you have a RHESSI data analysis project underway that you have not yet entered into this database? The RHESSI PI team requests that you do so. Thanks!
3. FROM THE EDITOR ------------------
The Max Millennium program exists to enhance all aspects of solar flare research. If you have news that is of broad interest to that community, feel free to send your message to the MMScience e-mail list: Address questions to canfield at