YPOP Guestbook Archive
YPOP Guestbook Comments from 2002
Hello all, I think this is great site, and I have great site also.
Nashville, FL India - Monday, July 15, 2002 at 10:51 AM (MDT)
Greetings to you and your guests. Love what you’ve done with your site. As an educator I can say you have great communication skills. none.
La Mesa, Ca US - Friday, July 12, 2002 at 06:33 AM (MDT)
Very nice and usefull site. Found you on Yahoo dir.
LV, Nevada US - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 09:33 AM (MDT)
good on pictures but does need some updates in text work
however it served me the way i wanted
and all the best
diksha sharma
new delhi, new delhi india - Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 02:00 AM (MDT)
Wow! You’ve found yourself a great business opportunity. Good luck! And great site by the way! none.
San Diego, Ca US - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 06:11 AM (MDT)
new message
LasVegas, LosAngeles US - Monday, July 08, 2002 at 12:28 PM (MDT)
I am very interested in astronomy. Your site is very informative. Greetings from Lifetrek
Germany - Monday, July 08, 2002 at 07:58 AM (MDT)
Great site and guestbook.
New York, NY usa - Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 08:54 AM (MDT)
Thanks, I am using your lesson to teach 200 Cub Scouts about the importance of the sun. We will also be making a sundial.
Scott Stewart
Travis Air Force Base, CA USA - Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 11:36 AM (MDT)
Hello. I was here.
Winthrop, MA usa - Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 10:46 PM (MDT)
Thanks! This really helped my report!
Salt Lake, Utah U.S. - Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 12:46 PM (MDT)
Lake District, U.K. - Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 03:20 AM (MDT)
Great! I love this.
Jerry Reid
- Friday, June 07, 2002 at 01:56 PM (MDT)
Just surfed the web and found your great site. It's really verry good!
And nice Pictures!
Keep on making it so good!
- Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 02:39 PM (MDT)
I think that the sun is very interesting. Even though the sun is only an average size star.
Erika Vandenbush
United States - Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 05:52 PM (MDT)
Great site, superb pictures ! Thanks to the OU for listing this site
Geoff Devall
London, England - Monday, May 27, 2002 at 07:44 AM (MDT)
BROOME, WA WEST AUSTRALIA - Monday, May 20, 2002 at 09:56 PM (MDT)
Cool site. Thanks!
Susan Davis
- Friday, May 17, 2002 at 03:50 PM (MDT)
I like your site it's so cool and it gives me lots of info.
Thanks Alot:)
Tiffany Cole
Houston, Tx U.S - Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 12:26 PM (MDT)
very interesting site!
- Wednesday, May 15, 2002 at 08:44 AM (MDT)
i never thought i can learnabout space so easily.
chennai, tamilnadu india - Monday, May 13, 2002 at 11:57 PM (MDT)
i did not get that much info on the sun. i need to do a three page report. and i can not find that much info on your site or any other.
- Monday, May 13, 2002 at 06:49 PM (MDT)
Really enjoyed it - will tell others
london, uk - Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 11:34 AM (MDT)
Very good site!
But us kids need simpeler facts!!!!
Canada - Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 10:17 PM (MDT)
Thank you for your website. Learning geographical lessons is a breeze with your help.
Paula Adams
You guys were a big help for me and my science project about the planets!
postscript. thanx a bunch
canyon country, ca united states - Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 11:36 AM (MDT)
I am an extremely amateur aficionado of astronomy, intrigued mostly in viewing great photographic works done by scientists of your ilk, who obviously are highly proficient in expressing through the photographic media the principles of nature. I am hig
hly impressed in the works I have discovered through my interest in daily viewing & reading the explanatory narratives contained in the APOD series. Thank you sincerely for your continuing work in providing such works to us amateurs!
e-mail address: Rdsylvester@aol.com
Dick Sylvester
Ellicott City, MD USA - Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 07:27 AM (MDT)
im doing this science project and i got assigned the sun 4 my planet. and this website was very helpful!! thanks a bunch
san jose, ca USA - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 03:22 PM (MDT)
This little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine,let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Nicole Coyle
Longmont, Co Bolder - Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 09:15 AM (MDT)
Hi great site, first time here.
Thanks for the work.
Jim Billingsly
- Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 05:41 PM (MDT)
Howdy. I hope you are having a great day. I just thought I add to your book. Thanks! http://www.california-mortgage-loans.net.
Los Angeles, CA USA - Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 12:51 PM (MDT)
You need more Sun Information.
Stefanie Timberlake
H.B., CA America - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 06:01 PM (MDT)
You are my sunshine my only sunshine,when your not happy my skies are gray!
Nicole Coyle
Longmont, Co Boulder - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 02:11 PM (MDT)
Nicole Coyle
- Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 02:09 PM (MDT)
I found your site very informative. Having been out of school
for a number of years, I found it to be an effective primer.
D.C. Williams
Mission Viejo, VCa USA - Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 04:10 PM (MDT)
It was a really great website, but it might help if it was only on one page and you could skim it to find what you need.Also it might use some more advanced information.Other than that, it was terrific!
Cuy. Falls, OH United States - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 04:26 PM (MDT)
I love you guys web page exept i needed to know more like what is the lenght of the day and the year.
auburn, wa united states - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 02:11 PM (MDT)
Very interesting and informative. Thanks for all the hard work!!
Thomas Martinet
Las Vegas, NV USA - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 04:07 AM (MDT)
it was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!
philadelphia, pa united states - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 04:03 PM (MDT)
Awesome, my grandson was enthralled, as I was.
T. Higgins
Albuq. , NM USA - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 12:22 AM (MST)
The information for making a sundial helped me with my GCSE coursework. Thank you for making it available
Eleanor Lucas
London, England - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 06:03 AM (MST)
Contrary to the comment from Romania, I think that this website is very valuable. I hope that there will be more websites like this one devoted to education. Please continue your good work.
Kathy Foster
Los Alamos, NM USA - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 09:13 PM (MST)
very interesting & fashinating indeed!
Maria Angela
Bologna, Italy Italy - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 05:45 AM (MST)
Thanks for sharing the info on your page. It was very informative.
Thousand Oaks, CA USA - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 12:16 PM (MST)
I think you Americans have to much free time. Why create a
website like this? It's comepletely poinless. Please, do us
all a favor and find something creative to do.
Alisa Perne
Transylvania, Romania - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 11:34 AM (MST)
Dumfries, Scotland - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 02:22 AM (MST)
eric morgan
montreal, qc canada - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 01:27 PM (MST)
This is a great site. I teach 4th & 5th Graders and we will do this as a class project leading up to the Science Fair. How Fun!!!!
Kanab, UT USA - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 03:08 PM (MST)
dude it's grat man keep it up! but ya know we know that all of ya are aliens!
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 02:07 PM (MST)
This is the best!
Peter Reel
Stekene, Belgium - Friday, March 08, 2002 at 10:26 AM (MST)
wow! what an amazing site!!
Lead, SD USA - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 10:09 AM (MST)
Beautiful! Fabulous! Very interactive! Nice work!!!
Norfolk, VA USA - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 01:32 PM (MST)
Lovely site, very informative help's alot with school projects. Thank you
Yvonne Tambourlas
Johannesburg, South Africa - Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 11:37 PM (MST)
Hi, My name is Catherine. I love the colors in your website. http://www.where-i-find.com.
Catherine Lake
Los Angeles, CA USA - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 01:29 PM (MST)
wonderful slide show! very useful for science projects
fremont, ca usa - Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 04:40 PM (MST)
Really nice overview for the Sun.
Lansing, MI USA - Thursday, February 21, 2002 at 01:09 PM (MST)
- Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 08:25 AM (MST)
This is wonderful.I am grateful for the info.My 10 year old grandson is too.
Phyllis Seaman
Syracuse, IN Kosciusko - Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 04:42 PM (MST)
I really liked the tour.It helps me a lot on my science project.
Windsor, Ontario Canada - Friday, February 15, 2002 at 05:23 PM (MST)
This site is very fun i hope i can see more someday about the sun its awesome and the movies are so cool i think this site deserves an A+ :)
East Hampton, CT USA - Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 08:53 AM (MST)
this site is very child friendly and adequate for children of all ages in school. As a parent I found it helpful to some of the things that I needed help with.
Amy Vance
Seattle , WA USA - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 12:21 PM (MST)
Santa Claus
North Pole, HO Canada - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 11:33 AM (MST)
This is a great site. You learn a lot and I like the movies!
Lydia Rusch
Okotoks, AB Canada - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 11:30 AM (MST)
Peter "The" Rabbit
Okotoks, AB Canada - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 11:24 AM (MST)
Discoveries are made at this National Science Project-Q-Day 2000 icluding a magnetic powered vehicle--a must see for scientists
John Obik and Matthew Mitchel Urquhart
Springfield, Ma. U.S.A. - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 12:18 PM (MST)
- Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 07:23 AM (MST)
i am doing a science fair project on the sun and it's layers. this has helped me with my report. thank you
jade coker
moore, ok usa - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 06:39 PM (MST)
colo, co usa - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 10:07 AM (MST)
I learned quiet a bit from your tour, and it helps because I have a project on the solar system. Please reserch and find more information on the sun. It would help me and a lot of people who want to know more on the sun.
Kylie Rose Hunt
St.Catharines, Canada - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 03:20 PM (MST)
phil kern
cleveland, tn usa - Friday, January 11, 2002 at 05:07 PM (MST)
This is a fun sight to visit. Easy to understand. A great link I discoverd from the Astonomy Picture of the Day Sight. Thanks
Lowell Parrish
Farmington, NM USA - Friday, January 11, 2002 at 12:01 PM (MST)
I thought the site was terrific, very educational without being boring.
Pamela Dumas
Stamford, CT USA - Friday, January 11, 2002 at 10:54 AM (MST)
I love to learn about astronomy and would love to take up a career in it, it would be a dream job to me to be able to study space and what it holds. Imagine, travelling amoung the stars...I envey the future genarations who will have this privilage.
Erin J Todd
Nelson, - New Zealand - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 10:21 AM (MST)
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