Montana State University Solar REU Program 2011
~Casey Donoven~
I am a mathematics major at Montana State University
and my research this summer involves tracking the footpoints of solar flares
to look for correlations in footpoint movement and SEP events.
I have worked on several other research projects, including exploring fractals,
specifically Sierpinski's Triangle, here at MSU and carbon sequestration
at the University of Bergen, Norway.
Here is the presentation of my research in Norway I gave at the 2011 Pikes Peak Region
Undergraduate Mathematics Conference.
PPRUMC Presentation- Power Point
I also made a poster for the MSU Research Celebration in the Spring of 2011.
This is the power point I printed to make the panels on the poster.
Research Celebration Poster Panels- Power Point
My mentor is Dr.
Angela DesJardins.
Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.