Research project
The objective of my project is to study magnetic reconnection in the solar transition region, a part of the Sun's atmosphere that is between the chromosphere and the corona. I am looking at far-ultraviolet spectra and images that come from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) to identify explosive events (EEs) that occur in this region. The data can be found at the IRIS Website.
EEs in the transition region occur at temperatures between 20,000 and 250,000K. They are easy to spot in a spectrum, as they cause broadening of emission lines. This happens because the EEs have a high doppler velocity. EEs are signatures of magnetic reconnection in the Sun, and they occur quite frequently. The first part of my project includes looking at the spectra from IRIS and identifying where and when these EEs have occurred. This information will be used to figure out the types of EEs that have happened, and provide insight into the mechanism of magnetic reconnection.
Here are some images created with Dr. Kankelborg's software, and here is a cool video. The left side is the spectrum and the right side is the image and the slit. The boxes on the images indicate where we can see line broadenings, and thus explosive events! Look in the weekly logs to see the graphs and other graphics I created.
Research log
Week 1: Learning about IRIS and my part of the project.
Week 2: Making videos of the IRIS data.
Week 3: Identifying explosive events.
Week 4: Programming and plotting explosive event spectra.
Week 5: Plotting the spectra and making histograms.
Week 6: Examining individual explosive events.
Week 7: Making color images.
Here are some quick links:
Look at the REU Homepage that I designed!
The IRIS website.
Check out my pictures from Montana.
One of the videos I made of the IRIS data.
Link to the Future Planning Committee
Here is my midterm presentation.